i. incest map

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map bitch; ❛ PARASITE ❜↷ heartbreak high❝ everyone's fucked everyone ❞

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map bitch; ❛ PARASITE ❜
↷ heartbreak high
❝ everyone's fucked everyone ❞


If hell was a teenage girl, then that teenage girl would be Arabella Bloom.

She was messy, cunning and full of fire that not many people had the pleasure of seeing. The people that did experience that first hand, turned heel and ran the second they could.

Same could be said about Spencer White. Or Spider. Whatever the hell his friends and people around school called him.

Their summer fling was cut short during the music festival that she went to with him and his annoying and arrogant friends. ❪ Well, Ant was fine most of the time. It was Dusty she hated. ❫ Arabella could not believe that she managed to get dragged into even sleeping with the idiot, let alone spending time with him outside the comfort of their bedrooms.

If Cash's silently judging her was not enough to make her want to ditch her first day of school, her own judgment definitely was.

Her mom was asleep when she got up, so she got Elijah ready for his own first day of school, walked him to the bus and then waited for Cash to pick her up. She was not even sure that her only friend was going to show up until she received a text from him at six in the morning. He was usually the one that drove her to school every morning but after he ditched her and ghosted her during the festival, she expected to just see him at class.

Hartley High School was a place filled with assholes and fake people who Arabella hated almost more than her father. She could not wait to graduate.

Arabella let out a huff and pulled her sunglasses on her face, grimacing at the sight of their shitty graffiti-covered school. "This is going to be a long year."

"Tell me about it." Cash let out a quiet sigh and locked his door, a small amused smile on his face because of the distasteful look his best friend was wearing.

The Bloom girl took one last sip of her coffee and then threw the cup in the trash can near the entrance of the school. The two of them made their way towards the gates and Arabella was thankful that she had sunglasses on so Spider couldn't see the five seconds she spent looking at him. Which is something she could only call a moment of weakness.

"Looking good, Bella." The bleach blonde whistled with a wolfish grin on his face as he shamelessly watched the brunette walk past him.

She tried her best to seem unaffected and only pursed her lips and kept walking in response. Spider narrowed his eyes at the back of her head, his cocky exterior faltering slightly at the fact that she completely ignored his existence after they spent almost every day together the previous summer.

❪ Were they just supposed to go back to only talking when they wanted to mock each other? Was he supposed to act like he didn't get a little too attached during summer? He was so fucking lost. ❫

parasite ❪ HEARTBREAK HIGH ❫Where stories live. Discover now