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   I walked into one of the bigger patient rooms, where I saw Gaster with a stethoscope around his boney neck and a empty clipboard.  "Please, take a seat, my dear Dine." He smiled as he patted on the empty patient, seat, thing. 
  I just nodded as I took seat on the patient, bed and waited quietly as I watched Gaster looked around the room, I saw him grab things out of the cabinets and drawers. I saw him take out the thing where you take the blood pressure, an otoscope, one of those audio things and some more. 

    I dangle my feet and patiently waited for him to speak up or something. 
I heard him clicked a pen and already started taking notes on the board, which had a few pieces of paper on it. I looked up to see his blue magic hands taking notes, with his own hands clasped together.
  "Alright, I want you to get on this scale please." He smiled at me as I seemed to nod and went to the scale. It shown 127.5. He seemed to wrote that down on his clipboard, "Height please." He pointed over to the long height thing. I just nodded and stood right near it. Gaster went over to me and put  down the little slider. 
 He blinked, "You are, 5'3 and a half.." He muttered to me. "Aw, I was 5'3 last time." I pouted. He just chuckled. "Alrighty, can you please sit back down, please."  

  I agreed, and sat back down as he took down some more notes. 

"Aren't you suppose to have a computer in here?" I asked.
"Hm?" He looked up at me as he put on the blood pressure thing. "I mean. Yes I would be delighted to have some sort of technology in here.. But from the lack of resources that came with this lovely place, I could not." He explained me, as he pumped the blood pressure, and watched the meter. 
  "Anyways, all the computer that came with this place, either broke or I cannot work with." He added. He watched the meter go up, and wrote something on his board. He unstrapped it and went over to the nearby counter and placed it down. He put the ends of the stethoscope by his, imaginary ear. I
I dont even know how that works, and he proceeds to walk over to me. "Stay.. Still.." He muttered as he placed the stethoscope near my soul. He heard it beat and nodded. 

     He wrote something down on. 

  But he stopped and looked at me, with a small smile, "Do humans also have pulses?" 
"Hm? Yeah. One on the wrists and one somewhere on the neck." 
 He smiled as he grabbed on my wrists with his hand fully around it, and immediately found it. "Humans aren't so different that bipedal monsters." He muttered as his hand wrapped around my neck, in which I panic. "Dear, I'm not going to choke you." 
  He seemed to spot my pulse in quick succession and wrote it down on his clip board. 

  He did other things, like did the knee test thing, hearing, eyesight and asked me a few questions relating to atlethics. He finally sat down on a nearby wheely chair, and flipped to the last pages of his notes, "Alright, Dear. This is one of your last tests I need to do. And let me tell you, this is only between us. So think of it like a doctor-patient confidentiality." He told me. 
   I seemed to nod, as I held on my shirt, nervously.

"In the past two weeks, how often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?" He asked, what was off of the paper.
  I looked down unsurely, avoiding my gaze from Gaster entirely. He gave a deep sigh. "I want you to answer me as honestly you can." He told me. 
"Yeah, yeah I will."
"Uhm, maybe for some days, like two or three.." I muttered as I played with my shirt. He nodded as he  wrote it on his clipboard. 
"Have you had any thoughts of sucide ?"
"How is your sleep?"
"It's been.. Mostly fine." 
 "How is your energy?"
"It's been fine. Just been a bit tired though.."
I saw him scribbled something down. And looked up at me, "Alright last question, do you prefer to stay at home rather than going out and doing new things?" He asked. 

  I nervously played with my hands, "I rather stay inside." 

  He hummed delightfully, and clicked his pen. "Thank you, my dear. I just need to do one more thing." He gave me a reassuring smile as he walked over to me. "Hey! I thought that you said that was the last test." I protest.
  He tsked, "My dear, I said it was one of  the last tests. This is the last test." He smiled.

The Monsters of Limbo [ Gaster Gang and OC interaction ]Where stories live. Discover now