Off the Chest

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        Around lunch, Noya felt a quick, slightly harsh slap to his arm as he was eating, just staring off into space, his thoughts plagued by the jewelry around his neck. The ravenette looked up at the other, a little confused by the greeting, ".... huh?" is all he could respond with, you know, like an intellectual would.

        "Dude, I've been trying to get your attention for the past 15 minutes, the hell's up with you? Yesterday it took a punch, today a slap. I feel like I'll have to start using chairs or some shit. You good? Seriously, you've been out of it, not to mention you seem.... slower, you good? Tired?"

        Noya shrugged, "Just one of those-"

        "Don't pull that bullshit. You've been having 'just one of those days' for the past few months now. Stop trying that shit, now what's going on?"

        "What? Nothing's been happening, would you drop it already? It hasn't affected anyone except me." a wave of irritation washed over him, and he snapped a bit, though he didn't mean to, "wait- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I just-" he sighed, not sure how he could explain what that was about. He knew if he told Tanaka he wouldn't believe him, he knew that it would only end in more questions and a flurry of confusion and worry.

        "... Dude, seriously. C'mon, trust me, what's going on? Stressed about next year or what? I'm just worried." Tanaka sat next to him, reeling back his attitude a bit, now just confused and worried, "... Daichi and Suga thinks it's stress, are you seriously, ok? You're never like this, Asahi thinks something's up with home. He went over to your house last night, but he won't tell us what your mom said, he just said that you'll be ok... but he didn't seem too sure."

        "..." Noya was silent for a long while, "Look, it's a pretty long story, but it's fine, alright?" he gave a grin, patting the other on the shoulder firmly. "Really, it's all alright, k?"

        ".... Yeah, whatever man, just don't complain to me when Suga and Daichi come questioning you during practi-"

        "About that- I'm actually missing practice this week; I have a few things to take care of at home. Sorry man. I'll be back Friday and beyond that though." Noya gave a sheepish grin, "I already let them, and coach know."

        "What?! Oh, come on, man! You never miss a practice! the hell is happening?!" he huffed before marching off. The day went without incident as Noya said goodbye to his classmates and left for home before curling up in bed, setting an alarm and heading to a quick pre-shift nap.

        Tanaka on the other hand managed to find Asahi just before practice, just before either of them reached the gym, "YO. ASAHI."

        The third year yelped in surprised, "T-Tanaka! What- Do you need something?" he was holding his bag strap pretty tight, his brown eyes wide in surprise and confusion.

        "You went to Noya's house yesterday, right? Did you find anything out? Did he tell you anything?!"

        ".... Uh, well... You see-" Asahi's eyes flitted around anxiously, knowing something was wrong, but didn't want to worry everyone only for it to be a false alarm, ".... He wasn't home."

        A silence settled between the two, a heavy, thick silence. "... What the hell do you mean he 'wasn't home'?? Where could he have gone Asahi?!! C'mon man! Where was he?"

       "Look- I know why but I really don't think that it's any of our business! Especially because he seems like he doesn't want us to know and I think it's best if we respect that-" the brunette's words came out fast and panicked, stepping back a few steps.

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