Survival and Daydreams

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        '2:25' barely any time had passed since the last he checked. So far, he hadn't been able to even get a finger on the exit, unable to get more than a few seconds of a glance of those beautiful glass doors to safety and freedom. Noya quickly took the necklace off, the scythe smoothly growing to its true size, resting comfortably in small hands. The young teen hid behind the wall, hearing the swooshing and inhuman noises of the monsters as they searched for him. A minute passed, then two as the noises drifted away from him, a silent breath of relief escaped his lips as his posture relaxed. His small body scurried across the corridor of the mall, right to a map of the place. Noya found where he was, tracing a route out...

        Time seemed to slow, he felt weightless before a sudden pain shot through his left shoulder, right down across his back, ending just under his ribcage on the opposite side. A sharp gasp left him as he went tumbling a few feet away, the scythe shot to his hand as he extended his arm for his weapon. Yuu fumbled to his feet, his head spinning from shocked pain, he shook his head before facing the creature that had assaulted him. His stomach tightened at the sight, his lungs threatening to seize their job as his throat constricted. The ravenette was quick to dive out of the way of the next attack, using what he knew from volleyball, using his reflexes, he had polished and worked to improve, to keep himself alive... and as unscathed as possible. The next round of attack came just barely after he had reoriented himself, his mind blanked as his body seemed possessed by something. His arms swing before he could register what was happening, his body reacting on its own, adrenaline pounding through his veins, muting the pain that had previously seared through his body. The feeling of his blood staining his uniform going unnoticed as he witnessed himself running the shadowy spirit through with the pure metal that was the scythe's blade.

        It seemed to be an eternity by time he fully came around. Eyes opening, he looked about as he registered that he was on his side. The feeling of the tile, cold from the night air, beneath him, the cold soaking through the fabric of his shirt. A pained groan left him as he shifted, that sharp pain shooting through him, making his entire form collapse back down from the inch he had risen. A sense of warmth pulsed from somewhere behind his head, 'the scythe... the weapon...' his mind was foggy, so clouded from confusion. 'The mall.... the shadow. Fuck.... fuck. The monsters.' His mind was quick to snap back to reality as he realized where he was and just how he had gotten into this situation. Forcing his body to move, he managed to stand, clenching his teeth together as a wave of nausea hit him when he saw the pool of blood around his previous spot. With shaking hands, the boy collected his weapon, questioning his choices, questioning if this was worth it anymore, "... too late for that... already made the fucking choice when I applied to this shit show.... signed up when I decided to stay in this fuck-fest." his voice was quiet in an annoyed grumble.

        Then something occurred to him: 'the time' is all he thought. Grabbing his phone, which was almost dead by now from his gaming when he took a seat on a bench throughout the night, he looked at the screen as it's light shone up at him, illuminating some of his surroundings: 2:48. 'Almost there.... just 10 more minutes just about... just survive, survive... You have to survive. You promised the team... promised your mom.... promised Asahi-' suddenly, he was elsewhere... it was warm, fuzzy and bright. He was in a field, looking down at himself, his clothes were repaired, in fact, he was in a fresh hoodie, jeans and sneakers. Looking around he saw a figure in the distance, a very familiar figure. Long brown hair, now loosely flowing in the wind instead of its usual man-bun. A tall, muscular build with a light turtle-neck sweater on, jeans and boots, a scarf around the person's neck, "... Asahi?" he made his way forward.

        Asahi turned, then gave him a bright, welcoming smile, "Finally! I thought you forgot." he gave a nervous smile, hurrying forward, enveloping the smaller in a tight, loving hug, "ready? I uh... made some food for-" things began to swirl, began to morph. Sounds began to surround him as Asahi continued his plans for the day excitedly, but Noya felt a sharp tug at his stomach, as if someone had hooked him on a fishing line and was now trying to reel him in. As things began to melt back into the hellscape he was just in, Noya gasped and fumbled back, shock sinking into his mind. That's when he looked around, realizing he had slipped into a strange dream right then, realizing it was all just some sick joke his mind had played on him.

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