The Beginning

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        Noya lied on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he anticipated that night's shift. He ran through his rules, ran through the things he's picked up on, recited the rules of the mall underneath his breath. Outside his door he heard the rustling of his family moving about the house, taking care of their business, going about their day as they need to. Usually, since it was the weekends, he offered to go in a little earlier, though 'Jimmy' had left him a note saying to go in at his usual hours, to avoid staying there longer than necessary. Yuu took a breath as he looked to his desk, the clock flashing its face at him... 4:30. Just another few hours until he had to go in, his eyes then drifted to his closet where his uniform hung, ironed, on a hook on the door by a cheap, plastic hanger. Noya had woken up just half an hour earlier from his on and off naps of the day.

        The ravenette was quick to play quiet music next to his head from his phone, then rolled over so his back was facing the small device. The small teenager reached over and grabbed one of his pillows before drawing it close to his chest and hugging it tight, burying his face in the squishy surface, finding comfort in the feeling of a covered face. The teenager then grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself up in a large blanket, fully letting himself relax at the feeling of being swaddled and buried in a comforting warmth. With that, his eyelids drew heavy, and he drifted off into a heavy sleep, his body catching up on much needed, lost sleep... and reenergizing for that night's activities. A small hand came up and gripped his necklace as a comfort, the feeling of the cool, golden trinket in his hand, bringing a sense of safety within the second year.

        As the day ticked on, the mound of blankets never moved... that is, not until his alarm blared loud and clear through the quiet hum of his music, blocking out the beat. An annoyed groan left the teenager as he threw his blanket off, tossing his pillow back up to the headboard. Nishinoya managed to force his way up, seeing that it was 8 now. He went to his alarm clock and turned it off, usually having moved his clock to his desk to assure he won't sleep long enough to be late for his shift. Yuu then stood there until a few minutes had passed, then he stretched and made his way to the closet doors. The necklace's charm tingled. Noya stopped in his tracks as the necklace gave such a gentle heat... the feeling kicked him into action as he grabbed the sky-blue button up and slipped it on over the undershirt he had worn to bed. He was swift to slip on those loose, black pants and lightly-heeled shoes. He tucked the shirt in before slipping on the belt, then grabbed the bulletproof (but certainly not spirit proof) vest, sliding it on and zipping it up. Noya moved to his mirror, making sure everything was in place, keeping a tiny container of emergency pills on his left side, just a small pocket just on top of his collarbone. He patted his pockets: house keys, a small portable charger, small sugar packets, and a small pocket knife... Just in case. Noya then grabbed the large, thicker belt, and slipped it around the bottom of his vest, strapping it on tight, double checking to make sure his flashlight still worked, then he stared at himself. Taking in those small scars scattered about his face.

        Taking a breath, he grabbed his phone, which had been charging all day, and heading out of his bedroom. Noya headed downstairs and grabbed a mug of coffee to get himself going, as a small energy boost to keep himself alert until midnight. He took the plate of food his mother had prepared for him and thanked her, before eating quick, keeping a careful eye on the clock so he wouldn't be late. Soon his 8:30 alarm went off and he said goodbye to his parents and headed out, going down the street to the mall. Noya had left his hair down, just so he wouldn't have to shower when he got home, so he could head to bed as soon as possible. As Noya drew nearer to the building, he heard footsteps behind him. He looked behind him but found no one, he shrugged it off before heading in. Instantly, he began to turn off lights, making sure that he saw no artificial glows of lights from anywhere in the mall. The night has begun.

         Asahi, Tanaka and Hinata all looked at each other as they crowded into the alley, out of sight of their libero. Asahi peeked out and saw the lights beginning to be flicked off, seeing the figure of Noya disappearing further into the mall, "... Who's going in?" he looked back in the alley, returning fully into the area.

        "... Who's fastest? Who's able to be quiet?" Hinata raised his hand. "Oh, shut up Hinata. You'd get scared and give us away... you're loud, why don't you keep watch? Wait outside and make sure that we come out, if we aren't back by 4am call the police, ok? This place gives me the creeps." Tanaka looked at him.

        "... Tanaka," Asahi looked at him, "... What if we find him injured.? What if he's hurt and we can't help him?"

        "Don't talk like that man, it'll be fine. You know he's fast enough to outrun loads of things."

        "Yeah, but still..." he stared at the mall, "... something about this place doesn't seem human at all... it doesn't feel safe at all."

        "... Yeah, I know what you mean." their eyes turned to Hinata, "... this place isn't ok... it isn't safe." bright eyes stared at the entrance, "... if this is the place that censors itself... something is in there that isn't human... Noya may be able to outrun humans... but what if the things in there aren't human?"

        Tanaka and Asahi look from Hinata to each other, Asahi took a deep breath, swallowing his suffocating anxiety, "Then I guess we'll have to learn to survive. I'm not leaving that mall until I know Noya is out safe and sound.... let's just stay hidden in case he gets angry..." Tanaka nodded in agreement before the two of them hurried off. Tanaka in sweats and a sweatshirt, Asahi in shorts and a t-shirt, after all, it was a warmer night out... at least warm compared to the other nights. The two test out the doors and find them unlocked... they had expected as much, but something about the simple, straight-forwardness of this took them off guard. They share one last glance before heading inside quietly.   

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