Lucifer x Gender Neutral reader - Too cold

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It's a cold day in the devildom, as there is no sun to shine. The sky is a clean gray, as if someone had draped a sheet over the house of lamentation. You and Lucifer had planned to go and buy Halloween decorations for the house, as per your reccomendation. Your shoes tap on the steps as you walk towards the door of the house, picking up your scarf on the way.

"You made it on time, I'm glad." Lucifer says as you walk up to him, already reaching for the door.

"Barely, I couldn't find many warm things to wear, but I think I should be fine." You say, already feeling the cold of the outside through the door. "Let's get going now, before it gets colder," you suggest, walking outside onto the slippery, cold steps. Lucifer follows behind you, seemingly unfazed by the sudden wave of cold hitting you both. "it's colder than I thought, I really should get some more cold weather clothes" you mutter to yourself.

"We're going into town, there are some clothing shops on the way. I don't mind stopping at one of them." Lucifer moves to walk next to you as he finishes locking up the door of the house. You're about to tell him it's not necessary, and you'll be okay with what you have, but as goosebumps cover your skin in a wave, you decide to keep silent and just go along with lucifer's suggestion.

As the two of you walk past a variety of different shops, you begin to realise that you can't feel your fingers. Panic and embarrassment sets in, as you find that the gloves you swore you put in your coat pocket, are in fact not there. Lucifer notices you frantically patting your pockets down, as you check in your bag for them in hopes that you remembered them.

"Lost something?" He asks, as you shake your head.

"I forgot my gloves, my hands are really cold, look! My fingers are turning red and white!" you exclaim dramatically, as lucifer raises his eyebrows and takes your hands in his own, breathing into his palms and rubbing your hands in his in an attempt to warm them up. You feel the blossom of warmth flow through your hands, and your face turns red, being so close to lucifer.

"The Shop is just up ahead, I'll hold your hand for now." He says with a smile, his eyes closing gently. You'd seen lucifer like this before, when it was just the two of you, when you're cuddling on the couch watching a movie as the rest of the house sleeps, or when you sit with him at his desk as he works, occasionally stealing glances at each other.

He lets go of one of your hands, letting it fall to your side as he starts walking at a slower pace. Perhaps trying to draw out the amount of time he gets to hold you? Either way, you felt warmer, and shoved your other hand in your pocket. His gloved hand pulled you closer, and you almost stumbled into him. He opened his coat up and pulled you into him, wrapping his coat around you, and holding you against him.

"I'm glad I have you, MC. This will warm you up a bit better than just my hand." He smiles sweetly, as your face flushes red, and you rest your head against his torso. Lucifer isn't known to be a very kind demon, but you're glad he lets his cold mask slip away when you're near him. "My sweet dear, we're almost at the clothing shop, perhaps we should start walking again?" He says, almost jokingly. You didn't know he could do that! You hadn't even realised that you had stopped walking. You stiffen up and huff, as you both start to walk towards the clothing shop, marking the end of your intimacy for now.

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