Mammon x Gender Neutral reader - Titanic

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You're sat in your room, on the carpet in front of the TV, listening to some irrelevant show in the background as you scroll through devilgram. Your door opens, and you turn around to see who's come to see you, and Mammon is stood in your doorway, just looking at you, as if silently asking permission to enter.

"What are you waiting for? come on in, sit down with me" You call out to him, and he jogs over to come and join you, sitting next to you on the floor. You glance over to check the time, it's late. Usually you'd be headed to bed soon, so you were a little confused as to why mammon was here so late. Then again, this wasnt unusual for him.

"We should watch a movie." He states blankly.

"How come? Why now?"

"I missed my favourite human is all, Don't look into it" He says, averting his eyes and shuffling closer. He holds out a DVD case. The Titanic is written messily on the cover. You pop the case open, and remove the disc, crawling over to the DVD player just next to the TV. You scurry back to sit right next to mammon, holding the TV remote out to him.

"Why'd you pick this movie?" You ask, genuinely curious as to why mammon of all people wanted to watch the titanic. His nose flushes red and he looks away, shuffling around in place, as if reajusting, but at the same time not actually moving anywhere.

"Satan lent it to me, I wanted to watch it, and I thought you might like it too" He muttered, putting his hand up as if to cover his face, but then moving his hand back down to his lap. His hands are fidgeting with his pyjama pants as the movie starts to play.

"I think that's really sweet of you" You smile at him, moving your hands to his, holding them in yours. His eyes shoot wide open, and he just stares at his hands in yours. "Why so nervous today? Everything alright?" You ask, convinced something was wrong, since he wasn't being his usual loud, talkative, cocky self.

"It's nothin', don't worry about it" His eyes move to yours, and then he quickly glances away, back to your hands. You shuffle closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He huffs, pulling one of his hands out of yours and using it to pull you closer to his chest. "If you're gonna kiss me, do it properly" He whined. You move your head from his shoulder, looking up at him. You both lean in and share a quick, soft kiss. He hums, pulling your head back to his shoulder.

You both continue to watch the movie, sat next to each other with your hand in his, your head on his shoulder, watching in silence.

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