A strange new squad member

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I was sleeping peacefully at the entrance to the door, and suddenly, the door swung open and woke me from my slumber. I was about to move, but realized that this wasn't an ordinary squad member....he had the uniform like one, but I had never even caught his scent before....I blocked his path so he couldn't get in. I didnt like the way he looked down at me, either. He kicked me in the gut and shouted something harshly at me...I was blown back by pain and surprise. Nobody had ever done that before...they always seemed so happy when I was around....I decided that he was NOT allowed around my squad. I grabbed his pantleg and growled, tugging him towards the door. He snapped at me again and kicked my face away, and I yelped in pain. Who does he think he is, the alpha!? Not in my town, buddy! I placed myself right in front of him and snarled, inching closer. Then, the squad alpha came and took hold of my collar, ordering me to stand down. I looked up at him...confused....he was going to let someone like that...in? Or did the fake uniform fool him? I didn't know what was going on, but I sure as HELL didn't like it...

I watched intently for the rest of the day. It wasn't possible they had been fooled...they were teaching him like a pup...they KNEW he was new! So....why didn't they turn him down? Every time I was alone with him, he would step hard on my paw, or kick me out of the way...but he didn't do it when the others were around...he as so...NICE then. It puzzled me. He couldn't just waltz in here and immediately dominate me. That isn't how things work...I was supposed to be dominant of him...

when the others left for the tv room, he stayed behind. I wasn't going to risk it. I began to follow them, but he grabbed my collar. He held me back while the others didn't notice. What had gotten into them!?!? Anyway, I was more focused on setting this guy straight. I reached out and nipped his hand, making him release me. He got angry then. Boooy was he angry. He snatched my scruff and began to drag me outside, but I was to quick. Once we were out, I ripped out of his grasp and inside, pushing the door closed. It locked automatically, so I knew he couldn't get in...then there was the front door...always another door...

Instead of heading for the front, he began shouting and pounding on the glass. One of the members heard him and sighed, taking the handle in his grasp. I pushed him away form it and gave a frustrated growl. He was confused for a moment....then he shrugged it off and let the guy in. Way to go.

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