A firedog's tale...wait....nevermind

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Its been four years since the humans' leader took me to the fire station. I learned that the small metal animals were 'cars' and the big one that lived with me was a 'fire truck.' it seemed pretty weird, but that's humans for you, I guess... Suddenly, a wail sounded throughout the station, and one of my squad members yelled 'FIRE!!!!" I dashed through the turning hallways until I reached the truck, and many humans were piling into its belly. "hop up!" commanded one they called 'Riles'. I jumped up and sat on the floor, alert for the scent of smoke that I was oh-so familiar with. I smelled it and barked, watching it rise up from a nearby home.

We had just arrived and were greeted by a sobbing family. "the baby! He's still inside!" she cried, pointing to the fiery arrangement of charcoal. I heard the words 'still inside' and immediately knew one was still in there, and I had to reach them. FAST. I darted in through the front door and began to look around. Then I heard crying. I shot towards the sound, leading me to a room with a cage in it. Inside was a tiny human. I quickly ran into the side of the wooden cage and cringed as splintering sounds echoed in my sensitive ears. No time to think about me. The human was my top priority. I grabbed its singed clothes and followed the call of my name to the front door, but...it was blocked! The beams had caved in! I knew there was a back door. Always a back door. Or window. Or SOMETHING. And my hunch was right. Shooting out of the exit, I ran away to my squad just as the house collapsed, making the woman cry even more. I was panting an trying to clear my lungs of smoke as I stumbled over to her, the baby wriggling in my jaws.

I nudged her and rested the little human on her lap. She sat rigid for a while, and then, she started cryin all over again, hugging the little one, and then me. "good boy. Good good boy..." she mumbled, and I gave a tired lick. All in a days work. I felt my legs shake and an intense pain in my tail. Then, blackness.

I woke up on A metal table. It was cold, and my tail....I couldn't feel my tail...I turned around and tried to lick it, but it wasn't there! There was only some white cloth on the part that was left! I yelped in surprise and begn to frantically search for it, hopping off the table and looking under the cubords, behind some books...no use...I started to whimper, and my squad alpha came as well as a man in a white coat. Well...so much for escaping in one piece...

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