Is it time already....?

18 1 4

I woke up and yawned, stretching my now very old limbs. I wasn't allowed on anymore calls. It would put to much of a strain on my fragile figure. They had a new firedog, now. It was a spunky she-dog named ember. We were good friends, and the usual routine greeting in the morning consisted of a halfhearted bat on her nose and a lick on my cheek. And today wasn't special. We were so connected, that it felt like she was a part of me, despite our great age difference. But it wasn't love- love was when you had strong feelings for each other. And if it was, then I was one creepy old dog! But like I said earlier, today was unusually normal. That's right. It didn't feel right, but it was normal.

Until this afternoon.

I was walking along, minding my business, when I felt a HUGE pain in my belly. I yelped out in surprise, and was whining my loudest. Ember came running, mike following and Carlos quickly hobbling behind. I collapsed on the floor and took short, labored breaths, while emer pressed close to my back. She was so calm....and I knew why I had felt this weird connection. She was to be my second body. She seemed to know this already, though. I guess you are born with the knowledge. But mike and Carlos on the other hand, we're freaking out! I wagged my tail to show this was normal- that nothing was wrong. It was just that this body had been worn out before I could fulfill this purpose. They couldn't get the message. They only cried, and soon I was carried in those arms I hadn't felt ever since I had gotten much to heavy to carry around casually. They thought this was an emergency- but I was confused. Didn't this happen to them, too?

The one thing that puzzled me was HOW soon this body had broken. I guess it was just...I dunno...all those injuries? But ember, who had hitched a ride with us, proceeded to thump her tail in front of my face. I lit up as I realized- A NEW TAIL. I WAS GETTING A NEW TAIL. good grief, I thought I would get a stub-tailed dog! I was laid out on a cold, metal table. The vet quickly examined me, took x rays...but did nothing to help relieve the pain. For god sakes, woman! Give me some medicine!!!

My demands were soon met when she sadly injected me with some sort of sleping liquid. Before I was fully consumed in sleep, I was then stuck with another needle, feeling ember press against me again, feeling the squad pet me slowly. Then I was consumed in darkness.

Colour returned to my vision when I stood up. Everything was in slow-mo. I looked down at my soulless body, and upon seeing just how scarred I was, I cringed. Ember was asleep, or so they thought. Her soul was actually melding with mine. Prepared for the return to life and a new body. I felt that feel of coldness sweep over me again, and woke up. A new personality consuming me. Embers personality. My personality. I was back again, world.

(hah....sorry, my friends! I was really just...yknow...busy...reading other peep's stories. I'm sorry if it sounds a bit less serious than the others, but I'm on a sugar high at the moment! XD

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