All The Children In Salem

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I woke with a start to a tapping on my window. I pulled back the curtain to reveal Sarah Sanderson, flying on her mop. I opened up the glass pane.

"Come little children, I'll take thee away." The blonde sang.

"Yes Sarah? It is quite literally five o'clock in the morning." I said, rolling my eyes, but not really meaning it.

"Catch any kids lately?" She asked, eyeing my room.

"Darling, I told you, I will not kidnap kids for you. Come to the school tomorrow, though, and I can give you one of my annoying ones." I said with a laugh.

"Well, can't you at least invite me in?" She said in a whiny tone.

"What, can witches actually not come in without an invitation?"

"Why don't you invite me in to find out?" She smirked.

"Fine. Sarah, would you like to come in?"

"Don't mind if I do." She said, climbing off of her mop and in through the window.

"So is the invitation thing actually true?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted to make sure that you really wanted me to come in." She said, and with that, she conjured up a ball of lightning magic, and zapped me onto the bed.

"Love, you are always welcome." I said, winking, trying to remain in control despite her magic tying my arms to the bedposts. She conjured up a pair of scissors, assumingly to do her dirty work. She didn't want to break a nail, after all. She gave an affirmative nod, and the scissors flew towards my chest, and cut off my pajama top. Luckily, I was too lazy to remove my bra before going to bed.

"You've always had a flair for the dramatic." I said with a sigh.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed." She said sarcastically, walking towards the bed. She sat, straddling on my hips. She kissed me, and I gave up the act of struggling for control. I kissed back, and resigned myself to the fact that I temporarily couldn't use my arms. As if she were reading my mind, and she likely was, she released my hands from the bedposts. My hands quickly found her hair, and began to make themselves at home in her long blonde waves. She began to work her way down, making a trail of soft kisses down my neck. She ran her long, pointed fingernails along my waist. I moaned, and my hips bucked up towards her presence.

"Be patient darling." She whispered in my ear, and slowly began to work her way down again. I was sure she was leaving hickeys, but I didn't mind. I could always just wear turtlenecks.

"In this 80° weather?" She asked.

"Dammit, I knew you were reading my mind." I said. She dug her sharp nails into my hips, and my breath paused.

"Naughty girl," she said, smirking, "Dammit is a swear word." She giggled.

"You just said it." I pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a witch. I'm already going to hell, if I die. The kids' souls will halt that process a bit, though."


She conjured up a bit more lightning magic, and her false nails were temporarily removed.

"I've just bought us 30 minutes, so let's get going." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, and started to pull my shorts and panties down. I complied, and lifted my hips off the bed to help her out.

"Good girl." She said.

I blushed, and she took that opportunity to run her finger across my most sensitive of areas. I shivered.

"Oh, you're so wet for me love." She breathed, licking my juice off of her finger seductively. She stuck two fingers into me, and slowly began working at my clit with her tongue. I moaned, and she began to curl her fingers. I felt myself tighten around her fingers, and tried to remember to breathe. She took note of this, and, with her left hand, sent a magical electric shock to my nipples. She bit down lightly on my clit and curled her fingers one last time. I screamed, and she let me ride out the orgasm and aftershocks on her fingers. When I had finally collected myself, she was laying down next to me. I practically pounced on her, starting to untie her corset.

"No, darling." She said. I sat back, and my face betrayed a look of hurt. "You're not in trouble baby, it's just that tonight's about you. As a thank you, for tomorrow." She smiled. We cuddled in bed, and I allowed myself to fall asleep in her arms.

"Y/N, love. Wake up!" She sang in my ear. I groggily opened my eyes.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's six forty-five." She answered, smiling at me.

"Oh, wonderful." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired of work. My boss is being an asshole, and the kids are being even bigger ass-" She interrupted me with a kiss.

"What was that for?"

"Naughty words, my love."

I groaned, and flopped back into my pillow.

"Come on, my dear." She used her magic to sit me back up, and pull out one of my turtlenecks and a skirt.

"A skirt?"

"You look pretty in them." She admitted, smiling up at me. I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek as the clothes drifted towards me.

{I've never written smut before so don't judge😭}

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