Yes To The Dress

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"Remind me again why you want us involved in your wedding?" Becca asked me.

"Well... You guys are really the only people we know in Salem, and despite my fiancée and her sisters trying to murder you, I thought that your antics were quite endearing. You guys remind me of the sisters."

"Oh. Well, as long as they're not trying to get revenge on all of Salem again."

"Not anymore. I'll spare you the details of how they stay young though."

Becca grimaced. "Thanks."

"Ooh, this dress is pretty!" I exclaimed. "You, Cassie, and Izzy can do whatever you want, as long as it's a pale rose color."

"I do like that one." She remarked.

"I'm not sure what color I want. It has to go with green and pink. Ooh! Maybe yellow."

I walked down the aisles, until I set my eyes on the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

I walked down the aisles, until I set my eyes on the most beautiful dress I had ever seen

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"Oh my goodness." I said, grasping my necklace and falling back in shock.

"It's beautiful." Becca gasped.

"Mhm. I... that's the dress." I said.

{Short chapter, sorry<3}

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