Domestic Moments

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"So how was your honeymoon?" Mary interrupted with a smile.

I looked at my wife, and we both smiled brightly.

"It was amazing." She said.

I nodded, and went back to washing the dishes. I still held Sarah's hand, having barely let her go since the night we were married. At her touch, I remembered every happy moment of my life, specifically the ones in the past week. The ceremony, the moment we were wed, and our honeymoon. Our wonderful honeymoon. Every moment she held me close, every time I came back to find the bath drawn with lavender scented bubbles, and my beautiful wife in the bath.

"Baby? Did you hear me?" Sarah asked.

I blushed. "Uh... No?"

"I asked when you had to leave for work tomorrow."

"Oh. Around 7:00, probably." I said disappointedly.

"Are you not excited?" She said.

"I'm just going to miss you so much. I wish you could come with me."

"Me too, but..." She nodded at the stuffed rabbit.

I nodded. I cuddled close into her arms, and she held me as we walked up the stairs. She layed down, and I grabbed my book. I began to read, and then paused.

"Sarah?" She looked at me. "What would you think about us moving out?" I asked.

"Well... why?"

"I love your sisters, but I want for us to have our own space. We could even build something right next to this. Maybe even a bridge connecting the two houses."

"Yeah. I'd like that." She said.

"Could we build it with magic?" I asked.

"Mhm! Hold on just a second. Let me recall the spell."

She thought for a few minutes.

"Ah! The ground, the sky, the earth below, from the ground may our house grow. Build it up to what we need, until completion, guaranteed." She recited. "Okay. It should be done tomorrow!"

I smiled, and pulled her in for a hug. I got lost in her touch and in thought, until-

A knock at the door.

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