In The Dark Of Night

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I awoke that night to a knock on the door, and Sarah put her hand over my mouth. She put one finger up to her lips, signaling me to be quiet. She stepped out of the bed, the moonlight revealing her light pink silky nightgown. She tiptoed towards the door, and I followed her to peek out of the window. There was a police officer standing outside. I panicked.

"Fuck, oh my god are we gonna get in trouble?" I asked her.

"Shhh. We'll be alright." She whispered, stroking my hair, as Mary and Winnie walked up to the door.

"Damn! I knew our protective spells were getting weak, but I figured we had more time." Winifred explained.

"Mary, Winifred, and Sarah Sanderson? I have some questions, would you mind opening the door?" She shouted.

"Just a minute!" Winnie shouted.

"Hide!" Sarah whispered to me. I climbed the ladder leading to the loft, and ducked down. Winnie opened the door, and the woman stepped in.

"Hi, I'm officer Beck. I have a few questions for you ladies about the disappearance of Elliana Sheridan."

"Yes, of course, sit, sit." Winnie said.

"Can I offer you a cup of tea?" Mary asked the woman.

"I'm alright." Officer Beck said, seemingly unnerved.

I grabbed a nearby quill and piece of parchment, and wrote a message to Sarah.

'What's the plan?' The note read. I used the bit of magic that I had learned to control to send the note behind the officer's head, and landed it in Sarah's hands. She gave Winifred a questioning look, and Winnie nodded affirmatively.

'Cover your ears' She mouthed to me, and I nodded, plugging my ears as tightly as possible. She began to sing. I could make out the melody, but not the words. She was enchanting the officer. Officer Beck stood up, as if in a trance, and pulled her handcuffs off of her belt. Sarah grabbed them, and cuffed officer Beck's hands behind her back. I felt jealous at the sight of her doing that to another woman. As she finished singing her enchantment, I uncovered my ears and leapt off of the loft. She wrapped her arms around my waist possessively, and any feelings of jealousy melted away. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as Mary and Winnie began to mutter about what to do next.

"Do you two have this covered?" She asked, eyeing Mary and Winnie.

"What, as if you'd be much help? Go upstairs, and take your little 'princess' with you." Winnie retorted, clearly pissed off.

As we walked up the stairs, I questioned Sarah.

"Princess?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ahh, Winifred revealed your nickname. I guess I'll have to give you a new one."

"Fine by me." I said, smirking, and walked into the bedroom behind her.

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