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Jayden's POV

Gabriel and I have been searching for Isabella all around the vicinity of the hospital for more than an hour all to no avail.

We have been doing this in complete silence, not only because we are not on good terms but also because I'm worried and I am sure he is too.

Isabella is missing and I am going crazy trying to think of where she would have gone.

No one saw her leaving the hospital and I don't even want my imagination to run wild and have me thinking she must have been kidnapped or killed.

My grip on the wheels tightens instantly and I wish I have a supernatural power to find out where she is.

I know she did this on purpose. This is because of the baby. The baby she is carrying. 

My baby.

We found out about her pregnancy just this evening and when her grandmother came out of the room to meet Gabriel, Sabrina, and me outside, I wanted to go in but she stopped me.

Isabella said she wanted to be alone. 

If I had known this was her intention, I wouldn't have listened to her Grandma. I would have walked in just in time to stop her from doing what she did.

This is a rash decision and I am scared something bad would happen to her.

The first place I thought of checking her was her Grandma's place but she isn't there and we have been driving all around trying to see if we can find her.

It is almost 4 am and I hope she is safe wherever she is. 

"I can't seem to wrap my head around all of these", Gabriel breaks the heavy moment of silence between us. "Where could she have gone to? Is it because of the pregnancy? Did she freak out because she knows that you would never accept the baby to be yours?"

I hit my hands on the steering. "The baby is mine!"

"Oh, really?" He is being sarcastic now and it is adding to anger and frustration. I am really in no mood to argue with him.

Why would he say such a thing? The baby is mine so why won't I accept him or her as mine?

"The baby is yours", he repeats. "I love the tone of possessiveness you are using but it's just so sad that it doesn't look like it's yours."

I step on the brake to stop the car abruptly before turning to Gabriel, my chest heaving up and down in anger.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!"

"She can only be pregnant if you had sex with her, did you two have sex?"

I feel like slapping his face at the moment. Do I look like I need one of his silly jokes right now?

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