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Isabella's POV

When he smiled at me and I didn't reciprocate, his countenance changed and he figured out that something was wrong.

He must have figured out my answer just from merely looking at my unsmiling face because the next thing he does is sigh heavily.

He stretches his hand for me to take and I hesitate. Jayden is lurking around somewhere watching us. I can't let him touch me anyhow he wants now that Jayden and I are together because I know how jealous Jayden can be.

What is between Jayden and me doesn't feel right but I love it. I love how he makes me feel.

"Is everything ok?" He questions, watching me carefully.

"I have some things to tell you", I declare openly, standing awkwardly in front of him.

He flashes me a smile, his cute face looking peaceful. "Let's sit, then?"

I nod. 

Leading me to the street bench, he continues smiling as he peers down at me, as though he can read through me.

I am thinking of how to reject him politely and also tell him about my marriage to Jayden. Will he take it the hard way? It is more like I deceived him all along by not telling him that I am a married woman.

"I am married", I announce sharply and surprise fills his expression. His mouth drops open slowly but he is quick to close it back.

"Married?" He chuckles, looking around and making me feel like a clown. 

Why isn't he taking me seriously? Do I look like someone who is making a joke right now?

"Yes, I am married", I repeat firmly. 

"I thought you came to Verona to find love like you put it to me the other day and…"

"Yes, that is true", I interrupt him. I said I was here to find love but not anymore. Like Grandma would say, love will always find its way to you. I didn't find love in New York but I came here to find that true love that they all say exists and here I am.

Jayden came to find me. Love came to find me on its own.

Jayden might not feel the same way about me but I love him. I have always felt deep affection for him but getting married to him increased that affection.

He is a broken man and I am going to be patient till he can accept me wholeheartedly and love me for who I am.

"I didn't tell you all along about the marriage because it was sort of fake until last night", I mutter, looking down at my fingers as a blush creeps to my face making me red like a tomato.

"Until last night?" He sounds like he can't believe what I am saying.

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