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Isabella's POV

I push him away, not because I don't want this but because I don't want to get confused with all of these kisses which aren't defined.

He refused to talk about the first kiss and faked the second one. Now he is giving it to me again with no genuine reason.

Who the hell does he take me for?

I know I shouldn't have said sorry to him but I had to because I know he helped me out when I needed help. I wanted to regret why I accepted the offer in the first place but I can't.

I already conclude within myself that I won't regret it no matter what.

I like Romeo but not the same way I like him. I might consider Romeo but not with him in the picture, lurking around and monitoring my every movement.

Surprises flash across his expression. Before I can say anything, he grabs me again and kisses me, holding the back of my head firmly.

I want to struggle with him but I know I can't win this over.

I want this too. I just don't want this to go on. I don't want to get confused anymore about my emotional decisions.

I want to be clear on what I want.

"Jayden, stop it", I summon up enough courage to push him away again but he grabs my hand as he tries to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry", he apologizes again, his eyes turning soft. This is nothing compared to how he looked at me when he kissed me on that first day. His eyes blamed me that day.

"You are sorry? Is that why you kissed me?"

He looks confused as he shakes his head. "No."


He turns his back on me and places his left hand on his waist. He must have realized what he has done and he regrets it.

Not knowing how to handle all of this and how to face him again if he turns back, I saunter to the next room, closing the door quietly before he can turn back. The bed is in there and he can lay on it to rest from his trip.

I need to get my thoughts together. I need to think about all of this that is happening.

My face is dried-eyes already and that is because his thumbs wiped all my tears while he was kissing me as if his life depended on it.

This kiss is different. It isn't similar to the first kiss. This feels like he was pouring his aggression and emotions into it.

It was fierce. Rough. 

Powerful but sensual.

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