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Isabella's POV

As soon as Jayden entered the large gate of Gabriel's home, he asked the driver to halt the car right after he entered so I could drop.

I can feel his eyes on me till I get to the door. I turn back slowly to see him looking just like I thought he would.

He waves at me, signaling me to go inside. I am sure he wants me to go in to be sure that I am not lying about wanting to come and see Sabrina.

I wonder what he is afraid of.

It amazes me to know that he is actually scared of me leaving him. I want to have a good feeling about this but I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. All Jayden is after is making sure that everything goes as planned. This is just about him.

Only about him.

If I leave now, he will be the talk of the town. The bachelor who has been thought to never want to have anything to do with any woman ever again suddenly got married and after a month, he is divorced.

It will make a good headline in the New York Times newspaper but I am sure he doesn't want to risk it.

A year is enough to gain the trust of his shareholders and business partners. A month is too early.

I really did not have the intention of leaving. I didn't even think of it as an option. I know I am stuck in here for several months to come and I have accepted my fate but I just couldn't wrap my head around what was happening.

We kissed. It was enjoyable and passionate but he keeps pretending like it didn't happen. Not only that, he doesn't want us to talk about it and clear the air between us.

Yet, he doesn't want me to leave.

If he is to consider my emotional state of mind, then he ought to be the one to suggest that I leave. Right now, I am on the verge of letting it out. I want to cry but there is no one to console me in the house if I cry.

Then, I decided to come to see Sabrina. She seems like someone who would understand my plight. Going to Grandma's place is not a nice idea. 

Now I think I should become very serious about my decision to go to Verona. I won't stop him from sponsoring the trip but I need to talk to him about Alejandro's number. 

October starts next week and I need to start packing my bags to go on the trip. I'm sure it will do a lot of good for my emotional health and well-being.

I hope the trip will come with glad tidings.

He waves at me again and I blink once, to see that I am still standing in the front yard. Quickly, I turn back and open the door to enter the house.

Everything seems quiet and I remember I didn't see any maids the first time I was here. 

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