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"It was nice talking to you Hoseok. I enjoyed our chat." Taehyung's boxy smile was on full show as he stood up once he saw Jimin come over after freshening up after their practice.

"L-Likewise." The older nodded hoping his face wasn't all flushed.

"Why'd you waste your time on him? He doesn't fucking deserve it." Seeing the younger's glare Hoseok looked down onto his lap. Not wanting to cause any trouble nor hear how Taehyung will respond Hoseok stood up to leave.

A tug caused the blonde to nearly fall backwards if he didn't grab onto the back of the chairs for support turning around he was faced with a fuming Jimin "c-can I help you?"

"You don't deserve Jungkook, he deserves someone so much better then you." Hoseok's eyes widened when the younger grasped his collar tightly "Why don't you just break up with him?! Just leave him alone!"

Grasping onto the younger's wrists Hoseok tried to pull his hands off him with no avail "s-someone better? Who? You?"

Hearing him the younger forcefully pushed him as he let go causing him to stumble to the floor "what the hell do you know?!"

"He told me you liked Yoongi so what's the matter if we're dating...it shouldn't effect you." Staring up at the younger Hoseok rubbed his neck in an attempt to soothe the friction caused by the younger's previous action.

Before Jimin could react Taehyung held Jimin back "you've already gone too far Jimin. He's right their relationship shouldn't matter to you."

Scoffing the shorter of the two stomped away. Sighing softly Taehyung held out a hand to help the older up which Hoseok was very grateful for "thank you."

"No worries, I'm sorry on Jimin's behalf I don't know what's gotten into him today." Squeezing the older male's hand Taehyung let go.

"Anyways I'll see you around!" Taehyung waved as he ran to catch up with Jimin.

"Something must've happened with Jungkook." Hoseok mumbled to himself as he stared at their retreating backs.

Placing his rucksack on his shoulders Hoseok headed to the boys' changing rooms.

Seeing a raven haired male sat on a bench near the changing room Hoseok hesitantly sat beside him.

Looking to his side he saw the younger was busy in thought.

Unsure what to say Hoseok decided to take off the younger's hoodie "hey Jungkook, here you go."

Placing the hoodie on his lap caused the taller to snap out of thoughts "huh? Hoseok? When did you get here? Wait no we still have to look convincing-"

"Jimin's left already, we don't have anyone else we need to pretend to." Hoseok assured as he put on his pastel yellow coloured hoodie.

"Oh...you saw Jimin?"

"Mm...you could say that, did something happen between you two?"

Jungkook sighed well my plan is working he's definitely jealous but of course he doesn't want a serious relationship because he still thinks he has a chance with Yoongi. Even though I know he likes me but whatever." Jungkook mumbled.

Just finished with their practice Jungkook waved at Hoseok before heading inside with Jimin in tow.

"You really brought that thing to practice? Why? Are you trying to impress him?" Jimin scoffed seeing Taehyung with Hoseok in the stands before they left.

"Why wouldn't I want my boyfriend to come to practice?" Jungkook questioned as he opened his locker.

"Come on Jungkook stop playing around. I know you're not into him."

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