Part 8 Wings of War

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This is the first part of the Trequal of the Wings Saga: Wings of War. Includes all characters of the previous seven and starts off in the Lab of the Death Elementals. Also Nox uses they/them pronouns. Nox is going to be like comedic relief kind of. So you know Battle Wings (Wings 9) is going to be a little dark and not really happy. Wings 9 includes also some torture scenes. There will be a warning alright Jesus. Anyway you know the drill see y'all at the end bye bye!

Nox's POV

As I'm relaxing in our Lab I hear a noise as Dark aperates inside with Mina, "Nox, let's go Luna needs help" "Can't you do it alone" I respond as Dark grabs me and teleports me to some sort of center platform, "See that's why we need to help her"

After Wings 5

After the battle we returned back to our base with Zephyr and Ray as Dark grabs me and takes me to our room, "Nox, for the last time, don't try to stay here, there will be a time when it won't be possible for you to skip the fighting and the wars alright just promise me you won't try anything reckless in those moments" I nod as Dark sits down and puts me on his lap, "We have some time alone as Luna and Mina are busy with the prisoners, my little Noxy" I blushed at the name as Dark goes to caress my neck as I pull away. "Nox, why did you move when I did that?" "I-I don't want to talk about it" Dark didn't believe me so he gently asked me, "Noxy, please may I look at you neck?" I nod as I turn my head as Dark gasps, "Nox who did this to you!?" Dark asked as I stood up and ran outside. I b-betrayed him.

Chapter 2 Elena's POV

As I was continuing to train and harness the secrets of my powers I hear a sound as I see Finn and Hazel approach. "Elena, look I know what you are feeling we will find Zephyr and Ray alright, promise" I nod as we shake hands and I continue fighting. I stop after a bit as I see Skyla investigating something. I fly over as I ask her, "What are you doing?" "Cleaning some of the debris from the battle with the Death Elementals" I decide to help Sky, when suddenly my head begins to hurt as Sky takes me to my realm as I see my bestie Isla as she says, "What happened to her?" "It's her head I think". I see Isla immediately go over to me as she tells me, "Ellie, you have to stay here just to be safe". I nod weakly as Isla leads me to my room as she leaves me for a bit as I fall asleep.

After Elena woke up

As I wake up my head feels a bit better as Isla walks in, "Elena, is it the y'know thing?" I nod weakly as I see Isla sit next to me as she hugs me as I hug back. Let me explain about my curse. When I was little...


As me and my brother Elias were playing catch I hear a sound from the woods as I stop the ball and walk towards the woods as Elias stops me, "Ellie, mother told us not to go there, it's dangerous and filled with spiders and blood sucking snakes" I stop as I run into my brothers arms as he leads me back. However at night I snuck out as I go inside the woods as I go towards the sound. Next thing I know I'm bitten by a guardian spider, protecter of the woods, which gives me a curse that on the Blood Moon of 2022 on 15th of May I will harness the Blood moons power to become the Moon Guardian.

End of Flashback

It was fast approaching the Blood Moon Festival. The jist of the Festival is to celebrate The Elemental Heights 200thanniversary of being created. I was feeling worried in case my curse happened but I stayed positive. I just hope it goes well.

Chapter 3 Dark's POV

May 15th 1 hour before the Festival

Me and the rest of the DE (Death elementals) we're getting ready for a surprise attack on the Festival. I avoided looking at Nox after what happened a few days ago. "Alright on my signal we attack" Luna says as we stop and see that it's Elena presenting the declaration of the festival. "Uhh Luni I thought Skyla was supposed to do it?" Mina asked as Luna says to us, "Now!" We jump down as Elena disappears and all of the Elementals fully geared appear. "Oh no" I hear Luna go as we try and fight them off but it's no use.

1 battle later

We had been captured. The most feared assassins and fighters had been captured. I sat in the Titanium Prison as Nox cuddles next to me. I stepped back a bit as he said to me, "I-I'm sorry I freaked out back at the lab I just didn't want you to know what happened to me" "Noxy, you can tell me anything I won't be mad". Nox then sat in my lap as he said, "You're allowed" I began to caress his neck when suddenly I hear the door smash open as Fire, Elena, Skyla and Aquila arrive. Me and Nox pull apart and stand up as Fire speaks, "For intruding on the Blood Moon Festival you shall release Zephyr and Ray and tell us what you planned to do with them or let's just say the Blood Moon Guardian will not take mercy" I saw Elena was *gasp* THE BLOOD MOON GUARDIAN. I see Luna answer, "Fine, we wanted to become the most powerful fairies in the Multiverse and we thought that because Magic Fairies had a different type of Magic to yours we thought it would enhance our abilities" Fire then tells them to release Ray and Zephyr to which Luna reluctantly agrees. That was it. We had lost however it would not end for them so soon. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Chapter 4 Apollo's POV

We had won. I brought Ray and Zephyr back to the EMR as Zephyr hugged Finn and Elena. I was feeling happy, but something was off it can't be that easy, right? There had to be a twist, something to trap someone, someone who knew too much about their real plan. As I kept guard with Iris I noticed something. A goblet. Made of the finest Pink Diamond from Visteria sitting out in the open. I told Iris however before she could move I told her I would get it. "Are you sure?" I nod as I head towards it as I bend down to touch it when I'm teleported to some sort of cell. "H-Hello, whose there?" I ask as I see the outline of someone who I recognized immediately. "Ivory?" . . .

To be continued . . .

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