The Dorm Room(Final Part Of 'The Party')

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    "And you didn't tell me sooner!"

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"And you didn't tell me sooner!".

(Y/N) puts a hand onto the girls mouth and drags her into her dorm room.

She slams the door behind her and turns towards her best friend.

"That's exactly why".

The teen girl flops onto her bed and drags her hands down her face.

" should tell him how you feel".

(Y/N) groans and shakes her head. "How the hell will I do that without getting embarrassing myself".

"He clearly likes you so...".

The girl rolls her eyes and lays on her back again.


After (Y/N) best friend left she goes onto her computer. She invited her over her dorm later but it was weirdly not her own. But (Y/N) won't worry about that now.

A little after she was finished with her paper, she sat up and started packing her bag. Once she was done, she stated heading over towards the dorm.

"Hello?". (Y/N) opened the door and turned on the light. No one was there. Was this a joke or something?. Before she said anything else she got shoved in the room and the door got locked behind her.

She ran towards the door, pulling at it quickly but after half an hour she gave up and sat onto the floor.

"Well shit".

Her phone was dead and there's no charger so she's gonna have too wait.

She looked up upon hearing the door getting slammed open then shut.

"Let me out asshole,".

That was Philips voice...

He was currently pulling at the door with a blind fold in his hand.

After a good five minutes of him yelling, he turns towards the voice that mumbled a comment.

"Are you done yet Philips?".

He glared at the girl in front of him. He walked towards her and at her with a glare.
She was still sitting down and he was standing so he was looking down.

"Go fuck yourself Virgin Mary".

She rolled her eyes but they spin around because a voice behind the door.

"We aren't letting you guys out until you've made up".

"Yea man".

It was (Y/N)'s best friend and one of John's friends.

They cursed out loud and ran towards the door.

After yelling and banging, clearly the two fuckers walked away long ago.

Nobody else could save them and people were fast asleep. If they call adults they would get into even more trouble for being out of their dorms this late.

John signed and turn to sit on the bed with (Y/N) leaning on the door.

They were gonna be here for long.


After an hour of long silence John decided too speak up.

"Why did you stop talking too me?".

"Why did you just run away from me?". She replied.

Neither said anything for a few seconds.

"I was scared". John mumbled and played with the rings on his finger.

"Of what. What could the golden boy John Phillips possibly even scared of ?".

"Rejection". He looked up and blinked.

"Oh....well you're the one that wanted too just enemies relationship not anything more. Especially not a romantic relationship".

" You're the one that said it first".

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and pushed off the door. "Or you're just too much of a pussy too admit you're feelings. I'm sorry that you're so prideful.".

John scoffed and got up quickly. "That's it". He rushed towards her.

He put both of his hands onto her shoulders and slammed her against the door. "Stop rolling your eyes at me before I give you a reason for them too be rolling back sweetheart".

"Give me a break Philiphs-".

"God do you ever just shut the fuck up before I have too make you".

John signed and smashed his lips against hers.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and picked her up with her legs wrapped around his waist.

He down on the bed not making any further moves and he pulled back.

"I like you more than a friend or enemy (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I was just scared...that you,didn't want me back so I pushed you away by acting like I hated you. I was nervous and- whatever the point is that. I want too take you on a date but before that I have too know that you feel the same way". He looked away with closed eyes and waited for his awful rejection.

But instead he felt a pare of hands grab onto his face.

"I will love too go on that date with you John Philips".

He grinned and quickly pulled her into another kiss.

The door flew open and her comes rushing in her best friend.

"I knew it!".

(Y/N) and John looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

The teen girl took the teen boys hand and walked out but before they did the girl smiled at her best friend.

"I wish we knew sooner. Also I will kill you for this later".

(Y/N) pulled John out of the room and they giggled too each other well rushing towards (Y/N)'s dorm.

"Have fun you two....not too much we share a dorm!". Her best friend yelled and signed once she saw them turn the corner.

"They grow up so fast". She smiled too herself.

The End

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