7. taste

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'sonne' - rammestein

(A/N: just a warning that there will be a smut scene in this chapter, so if you're not comfortable reading it, i've put where it starts and where it ends. thanks for reading so far !! <3 )

Dust particles float through the golden rays of light beaming through the window as your eyes fluttered open. You inhaled the musky yet somehow fresh air in the room, noticing a window open nearby. You glanced up to James from his shoulder, which your head was still placed upon. You looked down to your leg underneath the blanket, noticing a large hand gently placed on top of your thigh, slightly holding it. The chunky and cold rings froze the skin on your warm body slightly, causing a shiver to run down your spine.

"James." You whisper.

"What." He mumbles quietly.

"You're grabbing my leg."

"I know."

A blush spread across your face as you struggled to respond.

"Well.. could you let go?" You asked.

"Nah." He replied. You could only imagine the smirk on his face.

A giggle escaped from your mouth as you attempted to unlatch James' hand from your thigh, to which he grips on tighter. The slight squeeze made you jump a little out of surprise, causing you to yelp quietly.

"James!!" You whisper yelled.

"Alright alright." He mutters, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

His big hand slowly drew back, letting you go.

"Thank you."

You waddled over from the couch into your bedroom, grabbing some clothes and making your way into the bathroom to get dressed. You passed Joey on the way there, sleeping in bed. You decided not to wake him. After getting dressed, you decided to make some breakfast. Grabbing various ingredients from around you, you managed to whip up a homemade pancake batter from when you were a kid. Memories of you and your mother filled your head as you whisked the batter together.

"Morning (Y/N)." Corey spoke.

Your daydreaming abruptly stopped as Corey walked into the room.

"Good morning." You smiled. It was only you two awake at the moment, considering James had fallen back asleep on the couch. The time was 8am; a time you normally got up.

"How're you enjoying the tour?" He asked, sitting down at one of the stools on the island bench. You turned the gas on at the stove after greasing the pan with oil spray.

"It's good. Really fun. My fingers hurt a little, that's all. Doesn't your throat get sore from all the yelling?" You question.

"Yeah a bit, nothing extremely harsh though, it could be worse." He replies, drumming his hands on the table. The sounds of cars beeping and music playing could be heard softly in the distance. The quietness of the room was peaceful.

"I'm really happy you joined the band (Y/N)." Corey says out of no where. You were caught off guard a little.

"Thank you Corey, that means a lot to me."

"Morning." Mick walked into the room.

"Morning." You and Corey replied in sync. One by one, the boys got up and hung around the main area. You cooked the pancakes perfectly, placing them onto a big plate nearby. By the time you had cooked a new batch, the last one would already be gone.

"These taste really fucking good dude." Shawn mumbled, chewing on his 4th pancake.

"Thank you." You smile, "It's a homemade recipe."

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