Swapping words

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It was a melancholy day, the team hadn't had any missions in for a while. So wally decided to create some fun of his own...

He ran around the cave locating artemis in the gym with robin, 'good she'll be there for a while' he thought. He ran to her room locating her phone and sped of. In a matter of minutes wally ran back in and placed her phone back where he found it. Now he just had to wait. He heard Artemis' door slam shut, how he knew it was Artemis? She always slammed her door like that... He sent Artemis a text

wally-Hey beautiful

wally looked down at his list (of 'edited' words) in his scrawled handwriting and thought this is gonna be fun

what the hell-youre really cute

idiot- you cutie

stupid-stupidly adorable

my phone-youre amazing

you fool- handsome

shut up-i like you

Artemis-you're really cute

wally-oh thanks, not to bad yourself;-)

artemis-what no i meant to put is you're really cute

wally-you've already said that babe

artemis-you cutie!

artemis-no i am trying to put that you are stupidly adorable

wally-awww so are you

artemis-what no, i just meant to put that you are stupidly adorable.

wally-oh im blushing now

artemis-what have you done to you're amazing

Wally-yeah i am getting that vibe off you

artemis-wallace west come and fix this

wally-ohhh feisty, nah i'm ok here

artemis-come and fix you're amazing now!

wally-nope im comfortable here babe

Artemis-handsome, come here now

wally-no matter how much you insist i am staying here

Artemis-no i didn't mean handsome i meant handsome.

Wally-you alright?!

artemis-where are you?

wally-ohhh dont think i can tell you

artemis-wally tell me

wally-fine, fine since you really want to know so very much, i am in my room

artemis-great now come here, you're the speedster.

wally-but you're the one who wants me

artemis-alright you cutie i am coming to you

Wally-sounds like a plan;-)

Artemis- you're really cute, i didn't mean it like that!


Artemis-i like you, i'm coming to your room now

wally-can't wait:-)

Artemis-i like you

artemis-oh god no i didn't mean that. Theres something weird with the auto correct on you're amazing and you're gonna fix it.

wally-you just hurt my feelings:'(

artemis-you're really cute.

artemis-ugghhhh! No joke this time i am coming and you better fix this baywatch.

wally-alright alright calm down arty.

Sure enough There was a hesitant knock on wally's bedroom door, he walked over to the door trying to hide his grin.

Auto correct mishapsWhere stories live. Discover now