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back in wally's room:

"earth to wally!" a voice interupted his thoughts, it couldnt be artemis she'd only left a minute ago. He looked up to be faced with robin.

"oh hey rob!" wally grinned.

"hey wally, whats up?"

"nothing much, you?"

"Same, wanna go do something?"

"actually i was just about to watch a film."

"oh cool! i'll watch it too."

"ohh ughh i was just planning on watching it myself."



"who are you watching it with."

"what no one, why'd you think that" wally's cheeks heating up

"need i really answer that?"

"no i guess not, so if you knew, why ask to watch it?"

"duhh so i could tease you."

"thanks rob i know i can always confide in you." wally said sarcastically.

"so how you gonna wow arty."

"wait how'd you kn-never mind."

"you gonna kiss her, or play a scary movie to get close to her?"

"you know, dick, you have thought this through well, are you sure you dont have someone of your own to wow!" Wally said with a wink

"what- n-no why'd you think that..!" his usual smirk disappeared.

"need i really answer that" wally smirked, mimicking robin.

"shut up."

"so you gonna say the lucky girls name or what."


"so it isn't zatanna then."

"shut up, wally." robin whined.

"hey just teasing ,rob, lighten up."

"i'm off."

"i'll get it all out of you sooner or later, also if you're looking for zee i saw her in the kitchen earlier."

"yeah right." robin said walking off, ignoring the last comment.

"i will." wally yelled after him.

wally sat there a few more minutes in his own world until Artemis came back in.

"took you long enough, babe."

"yeah well i was being quizzed by zatanna and m'gann it took me ages to escape."

"aren't you the lucky one, getting to talk about me."

"shut up baywatch." artemis said blushing.

"Wanna watch a horror movie." wally said silently thanking robin for his overplanned date scenarios with zatanna

"yeah sure..." artemis said with an uncertain smile, she didnt want wally to think she was a wimp.

20 minutes in another organ flew across the screen causing artemis to flinch

"C'mere." wally said wrapping his arms around artemis "d'you wanna watch a different movie?"

"yes." artemis replied quickly.

"okay, you choose."

"harry potter and the half blood prince?"

"nope Dumbledore dies."

"order of the pheonix?"

"sirius dies."

"deathly hallows?"

"everyone dies."

"you are such a nerd."

"a cute nerd though."

"i guess so," artemis said ruffling his hair "okay what about a...romcom?"

wally raised his eyebrows

"hey at least im not choosing a chick flick."

"i guess so," they were halfway through the movie when artemis looked up to see wally looking at her "what?"

"you're so beautiful."

"thanks." artemis said thankful the lights were off, she quickly pecked him on the lips and turned her attention back to the movie, this time they were both thankful the lights were off.

by the end of the movie they were cuddled on the bed and incredably tired.

"don't wanna move." artemis whispered turning round to face him

"Then don't." wally responded with a cheeky grin

"what if someone finds us like this!?"

"then they've gotta deal with the fact i'm dating the most beautiful girl in the world."

"ok let me rephrase that, what if robin finds us like this."

"then i'll blackmail him about zee." wally replied with a smirk.

"okay i'm trusting you baywatch."

"good," he said pulling her up to his height giving her a kiss "so, how long have you liked me?"

"umm i don't think i agreed to answer that at any time ever."

wally tickled her in response.

artemis squealed "wally...wally stop."

"you promise to tell me."


he stopped "go on then."

artemis tried to pin his very...muscular...strong *cough* arms to his sides. It didnt work, in fact the opposite happened she got pulled closer her arms pinned to her side. Instead he just hovered his faces centimetres above hers

"thats just mean." artemis pouted

"you're telling me" wally said with a grin

"if you tell me...i'll tell you."

"No you tell me first," he said "i do have the advantage here" he smirked.

"You're an idiot...bialya." Artemis said with a pout

Wally looked at her, her face was a bit unclear in the darkness, she had no idea what she did to him with that beautiful face of hers."no. Way." Wally said pushing aside those certain thoughts "Thats when i started to get feelings for you too..and you know what else?!"

"oh no" artemis groaned

"i became your ninja boyfriend. Also you know you're an idiot in girl translates to 'i love you'"

"way to ruin a moment wall-man, and no it doesn't it means, you. Are. An . Idiot."

"really" he said resuming the position they had a few minutes ago

"okay maybe not" she said leaning in

"so do you have a thing for red heads?" He said with a smirk

"ok you defiantly ruined the moment now"

"is that a yes"

"shut up"

"thats a yes"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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