Making progress

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"hey arty whats up?"

"you know whats up, baywatch" artemis hissed

"alright alright, calm down, why have you been texting me compliments and saying you like me!?"

"what, wally, i know you did something to my phone"

"Who. Me? What no" he said batting away that statement with his arm

"wally just fix it" artemis glared

"Why should i?"

"Ughhh because errr you changed my phone..."

"thats not even a proper answer" wally smirked

"well why were you even flirting with me in the first place"

"oh um errr you know me i flirt with everyone...well not boys" wally replied blushing

"yeah but you hate me"

"what! No i don't, i think you are really smart and pretty" wally said awkwardly, rubbing his neck, artemis thought he looked cute and handsome but she pushed those thoughts out her head.

"well i guess you're not to bad yourself, baywatch" artemis said with a smile "now fix my phone"

"arty i know you are smart, and you could have fixed your phone if you wanted to" artemis blushed, confirming wally's suspisions, his smirk grew wider "so you really just wanted a reason to be with me"

"what no i-i-i um errr" artemis stuttered profusely, which wally found adorable "i'm just really bad with umm technology..." She finished awkwardly.

"so you wanted to spend time with me? Lets go watch a film, going out for dinner is too cliché" wally said.

"what seriously, like a date or something" artemis said her hopes rising.

"yeah something like that" wally smiled.

"ok lets not go out with the public and everyone watching us though"

"sure i've got a tv in here" walky said pointing to the tv "we just have to choose a movie"

"sounds good" artemis said "i'll get popcorn" she got up swiftly kissed wally's cheek and walked off.

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