the asshole

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"Mom, I'm way too busy right now. I can't. I've to read over a bunch of contacts for the new hotel being built in Daegu." Grumbled Jisoo into the phone.

"I know honey, but can't you reserve only one night free for your sweet old Mama?" Asked Mrs. Hong, trying to get through to her son. "Mrs. Lee is my bestest friend. Meeting her son once wouldn't really harm you, right?"

Jisoo felt his tough facade melt a little. He knew his mother just too well, if she's determined there's no such hope he can win over her.

He let out a small sigh, knowing his mother had won. "Alright!" Mrs. Hong let out a big grin. "But no more you're setting me upon blind dates. I can find a boyfriend myself. Thank you very much."

"Yeah, yeah."

Jisoo rolled his eyes, not really offended much to retort back, instead he inquestes something else. "What's his name again?"

"Lee Seokmin"

"So I personally think Seokmin is such a pretty name." Jisoo didn't even spare Jeonghan a glance, busy at the computer looking over some emails. "My inner instincts says, you're gonna find your man finally."

"Also it's an evening date, under the dim light and calm atmosphere of Jade Dragon. It's gonna be so romantic!" Jeonghan squealed.

Annoyed, Jisoo shut his laptop close, staring at his overly excited bestfriend he leans into his chair. "Can you please stop talking about it. I'm trying to work."

The young CEO rolled his eyes as Jeonghan gave him a look by putting his tongue out and simply ignored his remark. At time like this he forgets who is older.

Jisoo shook his head, "I seriously think it's time for her to stop setting me up on blind dates."


"Because it's weird!" Jisoo scrunched his face.

"Not at all" Jeonghan got up from the couch walking over to the young CEO's desk and seating down on one of the chairs infront him. "Since she picked him, she's guaranteed to like your future husband. That takes a lot of pressure off."

Jisoo grimaced, "But I want to meet someone more naturally. Don't I need to like him first?"

"You can totally blame her if it doesn't work out."

Jisoo scoffed. "She'll totaly think I proposely ruined it just to spite her."

Jeonghan let out a big laugh, "That's exactly what you did last time. You took Lia to pretend to be pregnant with your child to get you out of the date." Stated Jeonghan flatly with an unamused expression plastered on his face.

"That was one time!"

"The water balloon popped in the middle of it and she'd to pretend her water broke." Jeonghan exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.

A couple months ago, Jisoo's mother had set him up on a blind date again. Completely getting tired of the countless blind dates, he conspired the world's greatest plan which involved his PA and a balloon filled with water. Let's just say, it's unable to believe she still works for him.

"This time it's one of her close friend's son. If I do something, I would get an earful on the phone."

Jeonghan leaned forward and placed his head on his hands. He widened his eyes and blinked twice. "But sure the guy last time looked hella handsome and hot"

Jisoo stared at his bestfriend in disgust. "Then why didn't you dated him?"

Jeonghan rolled his eyes and simply said. "Because of Seungcheol." His eyes glazed over and a love-sick expression crossed his petite features. Seungcheol was his boyfriend, they've been together for 2 years now.

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