the first primer

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"We're now ready to present the first drafts of the plans actually,"

Seokmin and Jisoo sat across from each other as they finished lunch at a small french restaurant just a 5 minutes walk from the firm. Now the two were sitting at their table discussing how his work was progressing for the past one week.

"I don't doubt you with the hotel renovation, Seokmin. Designing hotels are more complicated than designing a home, I know that. You can have your time." Seokmin smiled, as Jisoo's understanding words did comforted him.

"Yes, but since it was just a renovation, most of the foundation would stay making our jobs a lot easier. And our main priority is to make sure the client is satisfied- in this case, Jisoo you. The interior designing would come later as I need the finalized building to be finished with the architectual process before starting,"

Jisoo let out a sigh of satisfactoion as he nodded. Seokmin smiles again. This time a silence starting to buildup between them, and Jisoo's eyes dancing in excitement as he prepared himself to break the new found awkwardness.

Jisoo turned his attention back to Seokmin, who sat quietly looking at something so far or possibly dripping out of context. He had a smiley face while resting also, Jisoo couldn't comprehend the fact so smoothly as it seems, he couldn't understand why it took him almost three decades to meet a wonderful guy like Seokmin. And when he was here, right beside him with one hand distance, Jisoo was determined to hold onto him.

Jisoo stood up from the bench, confusing Seokmin and walking straight up to him before bending his head down to match the younger's height. His eyes widened as the elder was suddenly so close to him.

"What are you do-"

Before he could finish asking him, Jisoo grabbed his waist and his lips were suddenly on Seokmin's, effectively shutting him up. Seokmin's eyes widened as Jisoo's lips gently parted his own, urging him to kiss him back. His mind went blank as he could only think about was Jisoo's soft lips on his. Seokmin could feel a small smile forming on Jisoo's lips as he broke out of his trance and slowly began to kiss him back.

As he continued to kiss him, Seokmin felt the world around him disappear. He no longer felt the coldness of insecurity, instead, a burning feeling ingnited inside of him. With one hand around him, pressing him close to him, Jisoo's other hand cupped his face gently.

Their lips continued to move in sync before Jisoo pulled back, letting Seokmin catch his breath. His thumb softly caressed his cheek as he looked into his eyes, their gazes never leaving each other. Jisoo's beautiful eyes were full of emotion as he stood there taking Seokmin's presence in.

Jisoo leaned forward to place another quick peck on his lips before kneeling down infront of him. Without a word staring at Seokmin- who sat rooted on his spot, eyes wide with shock.

Did that really just happen?

Seokmin brought his hand upto his lips as the tingling sensation lingered even after they broke apart.

Jisoo grabbed Seokmin's hand as gently as holding a feather, before resting them upon Seokmin's thigh. Their faces were now merely inches apart and thier gazes were locked tight.

"Be mine" His declaration made Seokmin widen his eyes more. "Give me a chance to prove to you that I won't hurt you. I don't care who your past was. But let me just show you how beautiful your future would look like with me."

Seokmin's mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say. He couldn't think properly. Not with his presence so close to him.

Taking his small hand in his, Jisoo bought Seokmin's palm to his chest, placing his hand right above his racing heart.

Thumb. Thumb. Thumb.

"It's been only a short while since I met you but did you feel that?" He asked, keeping Seokmin's hand still. "That's what you do to me. Everytime I see you. Everytime I hear you laugh, everytime I think of you."

Seokmin looked into his eyes that held a combinations of emotions that made his eyes water. There was love. Compassion. Trust. Jisoo's look made him feel beautiful and wanted. Nobody had ever looked at him that way he had.

"Let me in," He whispered. "Please."

Jisoo patiently waited for his answer as silence surrounded them. As Seokmin stared into his eyes, he felt herself giving in. Jisoo was everything Seokmin ever dreamed of in a man. He wasn't Jaehyun and he deserved to be given a chance.

Seokmin felt his walls collapse as he finally nodded.

"I'll be yours,"

As soon as those words left Seokmin, Jisoo's mouth came crashing on to his lips as he was waiting for this exact moment. But before they could go any further, Seokmin pulled away from him.

"Jisoo, your phone-"

The elder growls reaching for his phone in the pocket throwing it in a direction to God knows where, even before checking who have called. Seokmin gasps at the action, but the worry evaporates into the air when Jisoo bought his lips back on to his continuing to attack his lips with gentle assualt. Seokmin slipped his hand out of Jisoo's grasp and wrapped it around his neck. Jisoo groaned when he felt Seokmin's fingers on back of his neck, playing with the ends.

"That jerk! Did he just cut my call?" Barked Jeonghan, shifting his glare to his innocent boyfriend who stood in the kitchen preparing their dinner. Seungcheol froze for a moment terrified, but quickly getting a hold of the situation.

"He may be busy with something, hannie" Seungcheol makes his way out of the kitchen counter careful while apparoaching his short tempered lover.

Jeonghan grunted, taking a seat at the couch.

"I'm trying to help him here, for the God's sake." Seungcheol offer no response, causing Jeonghan to snap his head up. "I'm pretty sure he'll be messing it up all infront of Seokmin."

Seungcheol shakes his head, grinning. "Who knows-"

"I know" Jeonghan glared. "Because I have more experience than the primer Hong in love matters. And I'm the best with advices,"

"Yes, honey. You're" Seungcheol sassed back. Good for him that his beloved boyfriend couldn't catch on that sarcasm.

"I don't think it's that complicated baby, Seokmin even kissed him last time so I think Jisoo could manage." His statement caused Jeonghan's eyebrows furrow.

"Did Jisoo told you that Choi Seungcheol?" Seungcheol's eyes widened at his usage of his full name. He knew he was in a big trouble. "Seokmin kissed him last time?"

"It was just a kiss on the cheek." Defended Seungcheol, throwing Jeonghan a pleading look.

"But you still never told me," Jeonghan angrily stomped towards him. "That's it. You're sleeping on the couch tonight,"

"Baby, wait-"

Seungcheol groaned, throwing his arms up in the air as Jeonghan walked right past him to their bedroom. Letting out a dramatic sigh, the elder began to trail and call after his boyfriend like a scolded puppy.

difference of love and like ; seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now