muddled feelings

473 36 16

"Sorry we're late," Apologized Seokmin as he approached the group standing in the lobby with Jisung and Minghao slightly behind her. "The traffic was really bad," Seokmin shrugged straightening his shirt which was ruined during the car ride to the hotel.

"Not at all," Jisoo turned to look at Seokmin. He simply looked charming for Jisoo's eyes. Out of nowhere? He know, but who cares anyway. "You're just in time,"

Minho stood next to his boss, slightly taken aback. It was unusual for Jisoo to be calm when people were late. In Minho's 4 years of working with Jisoo as his assistant he'd well known the fact, that Jisoo was never one to excuse tardiness, especially when it came to work.

Seokmin replied with a quick hello before he pairing the designers and the architects off. There were 6 of them there today to survey the site excluding Seokmin and Jisoo.

"Remember to document everything and take pictures." Reminded Seokmin as Minghao and the others began to spread off into different paths in pairs leaving the four behind.

"Is there anything else you need?" Jisoo's eyes never seemed to leave Seokmin.

"Actually can we have a tour of the hotel?" Asked Seokmin, "And a copy of the updated site drawings,"

"Of course," Jisoo guided Seokmin to the front desk, where the Manager stood, who introduced himself as Chan.

The tour began with Seokmin pulling out his sketchbook. He made quick notes next to the sketches to make sure he won't forget anything later. Jisung had his DSLR camera out taking pictures under Seokmin's instructions. The two men were following the hotel manager who explained and showed them the hotel, with Jisoo and Minho trailing behind them silent.

Jisoo felt himself watch Seokmin as he conversed with the manager and documented everything with ease. He was awestruck at how professional the latter was and admired how passionate he was with his job. And he found himself more and more attracted to him with time, especially when he saw Seokmin take charge giving out orders in a commanding yet elegant way. Honestly, he wouldn't mind being on the receiving end of his commands, which was surprise since he never took orders from anyone.

And Jisoo found himself slightly turned on.

Jisoo's attention was mainly on Seokmin, barely listening to what Chan is saying to him. Minho trailed silently behind his boss incase Jisoo needed him.

In the middle of the tour, Seokmin felt a hand touching his elbow, turning to look back only to see Jisoo with slight frown on his face.

Seokmin asked in concern, "What's wrong?"

"I think we'll definitely have to tear down the walls at the side." Jisoo explains only for Seokmin, ignoring the dumb founded Chan who questioned his role in the said situation. "Can we check it out?"

"Of course," Seokmin gave Jisoo a reassuring smile. Then throws a glance at his secretary. "Jisung, take photos alright,"

Jisung voiced his agreement, started taking photos of the surrouding interior decor. Seokmin nodded before leaving with Jisoo.

And the male gave Minho a side glare who was about to follow his boss along. Minho did understood the meaning behind the scowled expression on his boss's face, as he stopped in his way bowing his head a little drawing back Chan also.

"Hmm, we'll definitely need to tear down these" Seokmin said to himself eyeing them, immediately pulling out blueprints on his iPad and drawing a red 'x' on the wall.

A throat clearing heard behind his back, and before he could possibly turn around to the voice a grab on his elbow whacked him backwards and he couldn't even comprehend the said matter, he was being slammed against the wall by Jisoo.

Seokmin wide his eyes in shock, they standing chest to chest, Jisoo's hot breath hitting straight on his face.

"M-Mr Hong," Seokmin stammered, a lot taken aback by his sudden boldness. "What are you doing?"



"Call me Jisoo," Jisoo had a look in his eyes. "Please,"

"Alright, Jisoo" Seokmin carefully said his name, giving him a pointed look. "What are you doing?"

"Let's go get dinner then I'll take you home"


Seokmin was confused. Was this man flirting with him? The great Hong Jisoo? His mother's arranged date? The guy who made him regret his life decisions that night? And the same exact guy who made him moan under him the same night?

Jisoo's hand reached down to hold Seokmin's waist.

Did he just-

"I just want to do that date right, again." Jisoo stared straight at his eyes. "You know without getting drunk. Doing nothing wrong." And Seokmin's eyes followed his gaze.

"Can we-"

"I'd like that"

Jisoo looked at him with amusement dancing in his eyes. And before he could say anything else, his phone dinged to let him know he'd a text. His face turned to that of annoyance as he let out a sigh, causing Seokmin to smile.

Jisoo wasn't what Seokmin expected him to be before they even met. And he is still not someone he'd picturized him as. And he don't know why but Seokmin would like to really know him, sit next to him, talk to him and another date wouldn't really hurt, right?

"I should be getting back to the office now." Jisoo said as he backoff, Seokmin strangely missing the feeling of his hand. As he trailed after the latter as they walked back to the entrance. "I'll hold onto your word about dinner,"

"Hm, of course" Seokmin nodded, Jisoo stopped then turning around to have the latter in view. "I'll see you later, Jisoo."

Right before he walked away, Jisoo leaned forward his lips softly brushing against Seokmin's ear. Seokmin felt his cheeks redden as his eyes widen. Jisung, Minho and Chan stood at the entrance desk staring at the two eyes almost popping out of it's socket. As Jisoo whispered something only Seokmin was able to hear.

"I'll see you, sweetheart"

difference of love and like ; seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now