like nothing happened

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"Hong Jisoo, you are the worst, most absurd, most stupidest and amazing jerk I know. I'm embarrassed to say, I raised you"

"Okay, now that last part wasn't necessary-" Jisoo winced at the final words his best friend had uttered without any hint of other expression changes. "You are not my father!"

"Well, technically I'm.....," Jeonghan repeated pompously, because that was exactly the kind of person he was - a person who said whatever he wants. "Because who loves you more than I do?!"

Jisoo rolled his eyes. And later he'd flinched a little when Jeonghan slammed his hand on the table standing up from the chair. "BUT, that's not what matters now, my mission is to sent you back home. Don't! Distract! Me!"

He stared straight at Jisoo, narrowing him eyebrows. "One last time, are you going home or not?"

"Well, you know-" Jisoo broke the eye contact, looking down at his laptop screen typing down something he obviously don't have any clue about. And mumbles under his breath, "It's not like.... he will be still there."

"HUh?" Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows, leaning in closer. "I didn't hear you"

Jisoo shook his head. "Never mind if you didn't hear me"

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan clucked his tongue loudly as he shut Jisoo's laptop close. "I asked you something Jisoo, I'm serious about this one matter"

"He would've already left. Why do you want me to go check unless?" Jisoo snapped.

"Jisoo don't make me say something bad. You are acting like an exact asshole right now." Jeonghan was getting worked up. He was a bit extra sensitive about Seokmin's matter. Even if Jeonghan know the latter or not, he felt bad for him.

His so called bestfriend had left the boy alone after whatever unholy things taken place back in the apartment lastnight, and was today early to his office desk to signpapers that isn't even essential or would ever be at the first place. And Jeonghan had only one goal to get him to go back home.

Now, this is the boarder line of Jeonghan's patience. Joshua's eyes widen when the blonde raised his voice throwing the papers God knows where to and showing him out of the door. Joshua had sighed momentarily and had given up.

Hong Jisoo has never been a man of many words. So when he say he isn't gonna get in, he means it. Jisoo stood infront of his own apartment, feeling awkward and some other emotions he can't find himself able to name them.

But things won't work out like that, right? He should make a move. And when his determined mind had started having some instinctive thoughts and cared to open the door and get in himself, the apartment door opens itself? It was like the world took pity on the Hong Jisoo to protect his self-esteem but what followed after wasn't in his script.

A surprised gasp left Seokmin's lips, as he covered it afterwards, staring straight into Jisoo's widened eyes, they froze at the position they were right at. And for a few seconds it continued, until Seokmin realizes he couldn't take the gaze and looks down.

Jisoo panics looking everywhere other than the male infront, now being over conscious about the situation they were in. Should he ask something? Or Seokmin would probably say something, right? He-

"I was planning on leaving, i need to get to the office at 10 actually," Seokmin explained, trying not to meet Jisoo's eyes who he could feel was staring at him intently as once he spoke.

"Um, sure" he said, shrugging lightly.

And again it was Seokmin's turn. "I was actually waiting until now, but i thought you may have left for something" He muttered before the silence could probably overtake again. "I don't want you to have any wrong idea that I was trying to sneak out after.. you know.. last night, I-I was a little-" his voice low and quiet looking down at the ground but Jisoo's ears coated red.

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