Sadie Maire Vere

18 2 0

A young girl walks through through the grassland with a book in her hand, exquisitely focused. A gentle wind hitting her light Auburn hair, a smile slowly crept to her face.

Her amber eyes looked up from the book and looked around the meadow filled with dandelions, eyes filled with contentment and joy.

I feel free, for once.

"Sadie! Let's go home."

The young girl turns around and nods with a bright smile, the sunset emitting a faint glow around her figure.

"Yes Mom!"

---Processing Info---

Target located: Sadie Maire Vere(?)
Age: 15 years old
Birthdate: August 21
Parents: Daughter of Sadira Vere and UGhvZW5peCBBcml6b25hIExpdGhuYW0

---Processing Info failed---

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