Chapter 13

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After not getting anything from school, Y/N decided to walk around Shibuya to gather what information he can. However, gathering information was a bit more challenging than he thought it was going to be. While he walked around browsing some of the shops, he ran into Ann again who was surprised to see him.

Ann: Oh, hey Y/N. Fancy meeting you here.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Ann: I was thinking of getting a key chain for Shiho.

Y/N: That so? Is she doing ok?

Ann: She's going through therapy right now.

Y/N: I see.

Ann found one that she liked and picked it out.

Ann: Oh Shiho would definitely like this one.

Ann went to buy the key chain as Y/N went on his way. However, he didn't get far before Ann chased after him.

Ann: Hey wait up!

He stopped as he turned to face Ann and caught up to him.

Y/N: Do you need something?

Ann: I wanted to ask you about what you said earlier. About having friends that...betray you.

Y/N looked at her for a moment before sighing.

Y/N: Just drop it will ya? I'm not in the mood to talk about it.

Ann: I-I see. Sorry if it's something you don't want to talk about it.

Y/N: If you heard the rumors about me then just stay away. It's for your own good.

Ann: Even so.

Y/N turned his back towards her as he said something.

Y/N: Honestly, it's better that I'm better off alone in this hellish world. Why should I waste time interacting with other people if they'll just ditch me to save their own hide?

He started walking towards home leaving Ann rather shocked hearing this and a bit sad as well.

Ann: Does he really think so? Why would he say that he's better off alone?

The more she thought about it more she felt sorry for him.

Y/N made it home as he changed into something more comfortable. Once he did, he played with Miku a bit and watched some TV seeing if anything caught his eye. However, there wasn't anything exciting or interesting on so the rest of the day went by rather slowly before he turned in for the night.

The next few days went by as normal with Y/N visiting Maruki's office after school. He decided to visit Mementos when he could to get strong fighting against various shadows that took on various forms. After fighting various shadows he could feel his strength increasing as wielding the greatsword became much easier and felt lighter for him. After he finished eliminating a good number of shadows, he left Mementos feeling utterly exhausted as he appeared in an alleyway in Shibuya as it was starting to get late.

Y/N: Damn doing this shit repeatedly gets utterly tiring.

He stretched a bit before leaving the alleyway and making his way home. However, he spotted four men talking in a place away from everyone else. Two of them were average thugs and the other two appear to be better off given their clothing as one of them had a rather tough-mean-looking appearance.

Y/N 'thought': What do we have here? I wonder what they're talking about.

Curious, he decided to get as close as he can without getting spotted. He managed to hide behind some boxes as they were about seven or so feet away.

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