Sho vs Bede

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Right now we see Sho, currently ranked 3000 due to the large amounts of battles they have been participating in, battling alongside Anubis against a trainer ranked 2900,and their Rhyhorn as Green is sitting back watching
Sho:Use force palm!
Extra:Take down!
The two pokemon collide with Anubis sending the rock type flying back.
Sho:Bullet punch!
Extra:Use horn drill!
Before Rhyhorn could activate the spinning drill on his head Anubis appeared underneath and punched his stomach with a steel fist that sent the rock skidding on the ground unconscious.
Rotom drone:Rhyhorn is unable to battle which means Anubis the winner. Therefore the winner of the battle is Sho Maelstrom. As a result of today's battle there has been a change in the world coronation series rankings effective immediately.
The drone flies off as it is revealed that Sho's rank had changed to 2000, close to entering the next class. Him and the trainer shook hands as Green walked up to him.
Green:You did amazing.
Sho:Thanks Green.
Green:A few more wins and you are in the great class right? .
Green:Well I have something for you. ?
She gave him a ticket.
Sho:What is it?
Green:It's a ticket to go see the next masters class battle.
Sho:Really?! With who?
Green:Raihan vs Leon.
Sho:That sounds awesome, let's go!
Time skip
We now see the pair depart from the plane as they feel the Galar breeze for what feels like the first time in a while.
Sho:Wow, that air feels great.
Green:It is so relaxing. Can we stay a little bit longer after the match?
Sho:Sure  I mean we don't have anywhere to go in a hurry.
She then runs in the direction of town like a small child as Sho smirks and follows. A little while later after Green does some shopping they arrive at Wyndon stadium. And they get into their seats to watch the battle.

Once Leon emerges victorious he and Raihan shake hands with the dragon type leader remarks how it is his goal to become the first person to beat Leon. However, he is stopped by a cry from the crowd.
???:No that's my job!
Everyone turns to see a big around the age of 10 with a Pikachu on his shoulder and a Riolu by his side. Sho's eyes widened when he saw him. It was the first Alolan champion Ash Ketchum.

Sho wanted to battle against him but they were in different classes so he had to climb up the ranks soon

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Sho wanted to battle against him but they were in different classes so he had to climb up the ranks soon. They then left as Sho and Green were excited.
Green:That was so much fun!
Sho:I know right! Now I really want to get into the next ranks if I want to face Leon and then Ash.
???:Hehe. You think a weakling like you can beat Leon.
Sho grew angry as he turned to see who said that. He saw a boy around his age who wore pink clothes and had a cocky expression.

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