🔮 Happy Birthday - Part 4

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This is not the part with smut yet but this one also gets very close so... you've been warned.

Once we were inside the bathroom and the door was closed, Minji grabbed my hips and gently backed me against the short counter. I scooted back further so that I was sitting on it with my hands resting on the edge. Her eyes were innocent at first as she asked, "Are you okay? Siyeon said you were sore from last night." At the mention, she stepped forward and her hands slowly moved up my legs where she started gently massaging the insides of my thighs. Her gesture was sweet but that didn't stop my body from reacting to how close her fingers were to my center. Embarrassingly, I could already feel myself getting worked up all over again and tried to hide it by avoiding her eyes.

"Yes." I whispered, knowing my voice would give me away if I attempted to respond any louder. "I'm okay." She hummed in response and it stayed quiet for a moment, but I could feel a tension growing between us. Maybe I shouldn't have let her get me alone again.

Her eyes stayed trained on my face as her fingers slowly dipped underneath the bottom of my shorts, like she was testing me. "You did so well last night, baby." She mumbled suddenly, making my cheeks burn. Her words certainly weren't helping to keep my mind off of her skilled hands working at my muscles, the ache there reminding me of what they were capable of. It was clear Minji knew what was running through my mind when she leaned in to whisper in my ear, "You took us both like such a good girl." Fuck. A kiss was placed on my neck and she hummed again, clearly pleased when I shuddered underneath her.

"Unnie, please." I whined, wrapping my arms around her shoulders to grip the back of her shirt while gritting my teeth, feeling the urge to bite down on something. I couldn't handle when she got like this. The way she acted was so drastically different from how she was normally. The first time we were together, it caught me so off guard that I thought she was pranking me. She was one of the last members I expected to be like that. How could the world's sweetest woman who nicknamed herself Tokki and who would unironically do aegyo even when the camera wasn't on become this? The Minji that would smile at me so purely and tell me she loved me was somehow the same Minji that was two fingers deep inside of me last night, gripping my hair and taunting me for how much I liked taking both of them at the same time.

"What's wrong, jagi?" Her tone had turned teasing and I knew all the innocence had finally left her. She leaned back to look at me with a smirk on her lips. "You didn't have a problem with this last night." I could tell she was having way too much fun with me helplessly at her mercy. Her smirk loosened so that she could lick her lips, "In fact," she took a moment to glance down at my mouth before making eye contact again, "I seem to recall..." her face moved just inches away from mine and her voice dropped an octave as she finished, "you were screaming and begging for more."

I couldn't stop the surprised moan that escaped the back of my throat when she abruptly took one of her hands away just to place her palm firm against the sensitive spot between my legs. My hand reached down to grab her wrist, instinctively trying to pull it back because of how overstimulating it felt. I still hadn't recovered from last night, making the pain as overwhelming as the pleasure. The entire time she was watching my face intently with her bottom lip caught between her teeth, enjoying my reaction.

Although, her moment of fun was cut short when someone barged in, probably hearing what was going on. Minji discretely moved her hand away for my legs, pretending like she wasn't touching me just a few seconds ago. "Yah! What are you two doing in here?" The loud voice belonged to Sua. My eyes met hers and it became obvious she knew the answer to her own question when she saw the flustered look on my face.

Minji didn't take her eyes off of me, instead leaning in so her lips ghosted over mine. She smiled, "Wae? You jealous?" Her tone was teasing still, but this time it was directed at Bora. I tried to watch the younger woman's reaction, but Minji grabbed my chin and pulled me down to finally meet her lips. Surprisingly the kiss was gentle and I couldn't resist melting into her touch. She did this so much, it had basically become a routine with us. She would act all innocent, then whisper some crazy sexy obscenities in my ear while doing god-knows-what to me, and then go back to being the caring, goofy leader everyone saw her as.

"Whatever." Bora huffed, trying to sound annoyed, but her voice wavered, exposing her true feelings. She left the bathroom before I could say anything, slamming the door behind her. Minji jumped back a little, surprised by her younger member's behavior. Bora was normally one who liked teasing and would happily keep up Minji's playful banter. Now, however, it was obvious that the older woman's words had struck a chord with her.

Minji stepped back and helped me off the counter, now wearing an expression of guilt. "I think she's upset." I pointed out the obvious, looking over at my group leader helplessly. She frowned at me sympathetically.

"I feel like I should go apologi-"

"No, it's not just that." I cut in, pinching the bridge of my nose after in frustration. Sometimes I forgot how difficult it could be having seven women to try and please. "She knows about last night, too."

Minji's mouth formed an 'o' and pink seeped into her cheeks as if that was the one thing that finally embarrassed her. She had totally overlooked the fact that one of the other members could've easily heard and caught onto what was happening last night. Now she started to understand. The leader couldn't be sure exactly how she'd react if she were in Sua's shoes, but she knew from the past that any intimate moment she couldn't be a part of with me definitely didn't make her feel great.

"Maybe you should just try talking to her." The second the suggestion left her mouth, both of us visibly cringed at the idea. Bora tended to avoid the subject of admitting her true feelings, mostly in the form of pretending she was fine, insisting that she, in fact, 'wasn't feeling any sort of feelings at all.' "If anyone can get through to her, it's you." Minji restated, sounding more confident in her statement this time. "Being with you is all she wants anyways." She squeezed my hand in reassurance. The sudden change in her mood almost gave me whiplash, but I appreciated that she was always there for me as a friend when I needed advice just as much as she was there as a lover.

That in mind, I decided to make a joke to lighten the mood. "Apparently that's all you ever want either." I smiled at her, amused. She laughed at the sudden accusation. "Pulling me in the bathroom to have me all to yourself and everything." Her laughter grew with every word that left my mouth. At that point I wasn't even joking and we both knew it. Her intentions may have appeared innocent at first, but I know she really just wanted another taste of what she got last night.

"Yah." She playfully shoved my shoulders with a smile before pulling me back into her. "What can I say?" Her voice quieted after her laughter had died down. "You caught me." Taking in her pretty brown eyes as she stared into mine, I could never get over the way they sparkled in the light when she looked at something she loved. "You're just too irresistible." She whispered, her arms now around my shoulders and mine on her waist.

I laughed, leaning into her. "You're such a loser sometimes, you know that." Despite my words, the smile on her face remained. She simply hummed in acknowledgement before cupping one of my cheeks with her hand. The close proximity allowed me to feel her warmth and smell her sweet scent. One that always became intoxicating, spreading an addicting shot of dopamine through my veins and making me want nothing other than her.

She wordlessly granted my silent request, tilting my chin up with her finger and claiming my lips as her own again. Even after last night, she still couldn't get enough of me. If anything, it made her want me more. But she knew she couldn't continue to be so selfish and had to share with the other members. So she let this kiss be the last one, savoring it as such by biting my bottom lip and finishing with a quick kiss on my cheek. I laughed lightly in her ear at her possessive behavior before she backed away.

"Happy birthday." She said suddenly, realizing she had forgotten to say it earlier due to being preoccupied with other things ever since the clock hit midnight. I just smiled in response and she released me from her hold before saying, "Now, go get your girl." The childish grin on her face made me genuinely laugh and I wondered again how this was the same woman who had me at her mercy on the counter just minutes ago.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted her, making her laugh and pat me on the butt when I turned around, urging me out of the bathroom.

My only worry now was Bora, though I had no idea another—more embarrassing—one would arise until I walked back into the main hotel room to see several pairs of shocked eyes on me. Something tells me Yoohyeon had guided the conversation onto a very specific topic...

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