🐤 I Don't Hate You - Part 2

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That night, I allowed Sua to drive me back home since I clearly wasn't in any condition to do so myself. We didn't exchange any words the entire trip. I didn't exactly have anything to say to her and I was glad she didn't say anything to me. After all that happened in the past hour, I just needed time and space to sort out my thoughts on my own.

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache after crying myself to sleep. That, along with the missed calls and text messages from Olivia, was a painful reminder of the heartbreak I had experienced just last night. Although, for some reason, as the day went on I felt less inclined to worry about my girlfriend... ex-girlfriend and found myself dwelling on Sua's words instead. Replaying them over and over in my mind.

I don't hate you... There is a reason for everything I did. And I want to explain everything to you...

What could she possibly have to explain? What could she say that would excuse her actions? An entire ten months of hatred... all because of what? What reason would cause such a kind and understanding person like her to turn so coldhearted? It didn't make sense.

But those thoughts made me anxious to hear what she had to say. Something deep inside of me wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Wanted to hear her side of the argument before coming to conclusions. Although, I wasn't sure I was ready to. What if her reasoning only made me more upset? What if it wasn't good enough?

Still, I needed someone to talk to about everything that went down or I was sure my emotions would eat me from the inside out, and, seeing as Olivia wasn't currently an option, Sua was the only one I had left to turn to. Even though I knew I should've confronted Olivia while the incident was still fresh in my mind, I decided to text Sua instead.

Within seconds she responded and just minutes after that she was pulling up outside my house. It made me wonder if she had been anxiously waiting to hear from me. She was never this punctual. She was the type of person who made her own schedule and forced you to adapt to it. Screw work hours or deadlines, she'd get there when she wanted to. Every aspect of her personality was rebellious like that in one way or another. The thought made me smile. But then the reality of my situation hit me like a punch in the face and any trace of happiness left me all at once.

Nonetheless, I took a deep breath before leaving my room and walking out to Sua's car. Just like last night, neither of us said much besides the few awkward greetings after I first got in. I never asked where she was taking me and she didn't ask me where I wanted to go. She just drove while I watched the sun set in the sky, hoping I was making the right decision and not jumping the gun.

We ended up at the school and I was initially confused until I spotted my truck in the empty parking lot. The fact that Sua remembered I had left it and was thoughtful enough to bring me back to pick it up lit a foreign spark of emotion in my chest. One that I hadn't felt since the last day I saw her, over 10 months ago. Slowly, I was starting to catch glimpses of the Sua I used to know. It wasn't much, but it was something. And it had me believing that maybe there was still hope for us after all.

We still never said anything but even when I got in my truck, I somehow knew to follow her. The whole time I couldn't help but feel anxious, blindly trusting her like we were back to being best friends all over again. It was terrifying knowing that she had me at her mercy in one of my most vulnerable moments ever, yet it weirdly felt good. It felt familiar. It felt like nothing bad had ever happened between us and that I could count on her like I always knew I could before. Just like that, my heart was all too eager to hand my trust over to her once again. The same trust that she had broken so many times before. It was foolish and naive, but, even after all she had put me through, I still loved her and was silently hoping she'd finally redeem herself.

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