🐼 Nothing To Worry About - Dami

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Dami x Female Reader
Idol au
Status - Finished (1 part)
Warnings ~ angst, fluff

Requested by -httpsyeji

"Come in." I heard faintly from the other side of the door after I knocked. Gently opening it and peeking inside, I could just make out (what I assumed to be) Dami's figure sitting on her bed. She had a book in her hands, blocking her face from my view.

"Yu?" I called out quietly, hesitant to step inside the room. She lowered her book so I could finally see her face but didn't look up. I immediately knew something was off. She had been acting distant all day after finally inviting me to meet her members. Now realizing that she couldn't even meet my eyes confirmed my suspicions. She was the most thoughtful girlfriend anyone could ever ask for, always making a point to give me her full attention when I was with her.

Now was the only time she hadn't.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, walking into the room and carefully sitting next to her on the bed. She fidgeted a bit, always nervous when I got close to her.

"No?" She briefly glanced at me with a blank expression before her eyes glued back to the book in her hands. I hated this weird, unusual tension that had built up between us. We rarely ever got into a disagreement (I say 'disagreement' because our small fits couldn't even be considered 'fights', let alone 'arguments'), so this territory was new to me.

"Clearly something's wrong, pabo." I let out a small laugh, nudging her shoulder to lighten the mood. She still didn't respond, not even cracking a smile, making me sigh.

The more time I spent with Dami, the more I understood that she wasn't the best at expressing her emotions. At least not through anything besides her music. Most of the time I could still pick up on what she was feeling, using her body language and little things she said as context clues. But situations like this were difficult. I never wanted her to hide her feelings from me, but I also didn't want to force her to do anything that might make her feel uncomfortable.

"Can we talk about it?" My voice was soft and it seemed to ease her a little. She finally looked up at me and I noticed her eyes were filled with uncertainty. "Please?" After a moment of debate she eventually gave in, placing her book next to her on the bed and allowing me her full attention. "I just... I want to know what you're thinking. Because I'm beginning to feel like I did something wrong-"

"No, no, no." She instinctively reached out to grab my hand, interlocking our fingers and rubbing her thumb over the back of it. "It's not you." Her lips turned down into a frown at the thought of me being worried that I had upset her. Despite the situation, she still managed to make my heart pound in my chest. She looked adorable.

I waited in silence for a moment, allowing her time to think through what she wanted to say. Her eyes searched the bed mindlessly and her eyebrows furrowed every so often in the process. She was always so well spoken and seemed to have a million things to talk about at any given moment, so seeing her stumped for words felt like getting a glimpse at a completely different side to her.

"I thought introducing you to the members would be a good experience." She started slowly, as if planning every word meticulously. "Aside from you, they are the most important part of my life." I couldn't fight the blush that made its way onto my face at how nonchalantly she called me an important part of her life. She could be so incredibly charming and romantic without even realizing it. That's one of my favorite things about her. "And I think it was going well, but..."

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