𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉! 𝟣/𝟤

490 22 43

6 Days Later

Thursday --  Lunch

Beomgyu's P.O.V

"Hyung, you good?" I questioned Soobin as we walked to our table with our trays filled with food. However, I felt like I was really questioning myself, I wasn't okay, and my memory with what happened between me and Ryujin six days ago is hazy. I remember calling her drunk, and asking her questions, but I don't remember what happened next, maybe nothing happened next, she probably hung up and was irritated with my alcoholic ass.

Though I think I had a very good reason for being that drunk.

My father beat me that day, though I was already drunk before that, but not drunk enough to the point where I didn't remember that part of the night. And I feel awful, because usually I'm able to get away from my father after one beating, but ever since Saturday, he's been doing it more often.

Its become so much that I hide my arms now, since they're covered with cuts and bruises.

And my back...don't even get me started on how many scars I have on my back.

Though I hide them from the guys since they'll worry for me, but they'll also worry at how I retaliate. They know how much havoc I've caused in my life because of those beatings, usually I go clubbing and pass out, or I get in my car and race against every car on the high way, hoping that I'll crash.

However, I never succeed, and it's all because of my parents.

They always clean up my messes.

So I stopped doing that, and then obviously as a teenager you develop sexual urges.

And that's still my coping mechanism till this day, I should try therapy, but my parents don't trust me with someone else alone.

They think I'm a pig.

Everyone thinks that I'm an arrogant, spoiled, waste of space.

Even Ryujin thinks the same.

The only people I feel connected with is Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai.

And sometimes I don't think I can talk to them. I feel like they'd be terrified at what goes on in my mind.

"I'm fine, I'm just dreading my next class" Soobin lied, I don't think he realizes how long it took him to answer me. There must be something pressing on his mind. "Me too, I have to assist this one girl who's gotten on my nerves, but she reminds me of someone" Kai agrees with Soobin's perspective as he takes a sip of water. "Is it the same girl that stole you away last time?" I ask curiously wondering if Yuna really still had a crush on Kai, while also thinking how Kai hasn't recognized her yet.

 "Yeah, her name is-" Someone interrupts Kai, and so we look up to see Yeonjun and Taehyun.

Taehyun looks grumpy as usually but a lot more bothered.

But Yeonjun looks the opposite, he's so joyful today you wouldn't even believe that he and yeti had beef not too long ago. I don't even think he notices the somber mood that the four of us are emitting, at least it's nice that one of us is happy today.

"Is everyone having a good day?" Greeted Yeonjun with a face that showed that he thought he was that caring Hyung, though I'm sure Soobin would disagree.

However, they all nod but I'm sure that's not the case, I don't even think I try to make it look like I'm having a good day, I don't like blatantly lying to them, I just don't say anything.

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