Chapter 6: bringing archer to school

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I would awake from our alarm clock going off Alan would hit it's stop button

"Ugh, what day is it now?" He asked

I got out of bed and looked at the calendar it's Friday

"It's Friday? Man this week feels like one big day " he yawned

"Apparently so" I replied 

"Well let's get this day over with I guess" he said as he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth

I got out of bed and found some clothes I really wanted to wear today but i felt like something was watching me I turned and remember archer was still here

"Oh I forgot you were still here" I said

"Are we going to find the gorgonites?" he asked

"No we are going to school" I replied

"What is school?" he asked

"It's a place of learning" I replied

"Learning?" he asked

"Mhm learning" I replied

" I want to learn" he said

"Can't do that we don't bring toys to school plus I don't know how our fellow students would react about a little guy like you running about " I replied

"Can I hide in your bag and watch?" he asked

"Umm *sigh* sure but you have to stay out of trouble ok?" I asked

Archer nodded

"Alright get into my bag ok" I said

Archer nodded he carefully jumped down the desk and climbed into my bag Alan would get out of the bathroom so I could change after I put on my nice new clothes I made sure to zip my bag up but leaving enough room for archer to see out of and headed downstairs ate breakfast we would head to school which was nice archer was quiet the whole time not making a sound until gym class I was in the locker room changing leaving my bag unattended as I got into my gym uniform I heard one of the girl eek loudly I got into my clothes and went out side as others did the same pointing out something

"There is a gremlin or something?!" one shouted

"It's watching us change, it's a little pervert too!" another one said

I looked around to see where everyone wasn't focused was my bag as I saw archers quiver duck back into it

"He didn't listen to me! really archer?!" I thought in my mind before our gym teacher came in

"What's all the racket?!" she asked

"There's a gremlin or some weird creature watching us change" she explained

"You probably saw a rat we'll have the janitor leave a trap for it as of right now get changed and ready for gym class" she said

I calmed down when everyone stopped talking about what happened

"Maybe he just got curious and wanted to know what's going on" I thought before shrugging off and headed to gym class

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