Chapter 7 : a horrible discovery

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After school me and Alan unchained our bikes and headed to our dad's toy store

"So how was archer during school?" he asked

"It was ok he got a little curious around gym class in the locker room" I replied

"Heh that must have been fun" he replied

I rolled my eyes as we kept going to our dads' store we would parked our bikes I unzipped my bag let archer have a good view but I saw Alan slightly smack the glass I looked over

"What's wrong? "I asked

"The store it's completely trashed" he said

"What?! "I said

I soon came up to him seeing the store in ruin Alan unlocked the door and opened it as we walked into the store we saw the damage I noticed all the parts of troglokhan scattered around

"Oh no Alan troglokhan he's been torn apart!" I said

"Did this happen because of the commando's it can't be after all they are only toys" he said

I set archer on the counter

"This is awful I was really excited to see them again" I said

I soon picked up the parts and put them in archer's box after I just retrieved it from the storage room  that I made room for in my bookbag earlier today

"This sucks I really wanted to bring him home with us he was my favorite um no offense archer" I said

I soon see archer kneel

"Alas poor troglokhan" he said

"I'm really sorry archer to see your friend like this" I said

I looked over cleaning up the floors of trash and ruined displays and whatever was left of the gorgonites and commando's boxes

"Well we are really screwed think about it amber there is a lot of broken things and the toys are gone" he said

"Yeah but what about troglokhan he is really smashed to pieces" i said

"Forget about him he was a toy ok if joe finds out we are dead" he said

I soon looked over seeing archer now on his feet

"Amber is right the commando elite have destroyed troglokhan" he said

"Yeah what about the other gorgonites and what happened to the commando's?" he said

I saw archer shook his head as I was cleaning around I found our dad's radio also smashed to bits

"Well who ever did it broke the radio" I said

Alan soon grabbed it from my hands and looked at it

"Crap your right we can probably replace it" he said

"Yeah but what about him noticing it's a different type?" I said

"It's ok amber I'll find another one I just need to save up some money "he said

Soon he put it with troglokhan's remains

"Did you find any other parts of him?"  He asked

"No those were the only ones I can find around the store "I said

Soon Alan dug through the parts and put them out one by one in a line

"Well it looks like a bit of the top half off his body is gone and he's missing an arm yet his left hand is still here" he said before putting back into archer's box

"So now what? "I ask

"Well we can worry about the toys later "he said

He soon written a sign saying closed before hanging it on the door

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