Level: 4

577 42 22


"So when are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?"

Yoongi glances up from where he was packing medical supplies in the firth aid box. Namjoon stands in front of him, his bandaged torso exposed. He closes the box and packa it back on the floor of the car. He had just finished cleaning Namjoon's wounds while the others prepared to be on the move again. The longer they stayed idle, the more risk they're at. Whether it be by other survivors or zombies.

"There's nothing bothering me," he answers curtly. From where he's sitting in the car, he can see the others breaking down the tent. Though Namjoon's standing figure makes it difficult to fully see them.

"I know you, Yoongi. I know something's wrong."

"We're in a zombie apocalypse. That's what's wrong with me."

"It's something else," Namjoon says, raising an eyebrow at the older male's attempt at avoiding his question. He just wants to help him.

Yoongi looks to the ground. The grass is dying, a sign of a dying world. A dying Earth. Or maybe it's just the seasons changing. He vaguely remembers having a similar conversation on the beach a while ago with Namjoon. The sand was between his toes. The warmth of the sun beamed on him. It was better, then. Now, it's become colder and they've all been wearing jackets, if not, layers of shirts.

"I miss how everything was." He mutters, allowing himself to open up. Namjoon frowns, confused. Seeing his confusion, Yoongi elaborates.

"I mean...not before the apocalypse. Sometimes I miss how things were, but I was trapped in a toxic relationship. At least during the apocalypse, I got to meet you guys. I got to fall in love and I got to feel love."

Namjoon steps closer and reaches a hand out to cup his face. Yoongi leans into his palm, closing his eyes. "I miss when Hoseok was normal. I miss when we all slept in the car that one time and even if it was uncomfortable, the feeling of being surrounded by people, real people, felt comforting to me."

Taking in a deep breath, Yoongi opens his eyes and looks up at Namjoon's grey irises. "I miss when I could see the color of your eyes. They're so beautiful."

Taken aback by the sudden compliment, Namjoon blushes and glances away. He takes his hand away and puts it in his pocket to keep from fidgeting. But he quickly got over his shyness when he realized what Yoongi said.

"You...can't see color?"

Yoongi nods sadly. "Ever since I woke up after Hoseok bit me, I couldn't see color. Everything is made up fo greys and black. And...I can see at night."

"Like night vision?"

"Sorta." Yoongi answers uncertainly. He then looks away and bites down on his bottom lip.

"I can only see the color of blood." He admits bashfully.

Namjoon's frown deepens. Then, he glances at the bandaged wound on Yoongi's neck. Hoseok bit him. Hoseok, who's now an infected person, bit him. Wouldn't that make Yoongi infected, too? 

Yoongi's heart sinks when Namjoon cautiously takes a step back with worried eyes. He knew he should've kept this to himself. It seems like everyone is distancing themselves from him, despite them not even knowing about his symptoms yet. Hoseok is infected, Jimin spends most of his time with Jeongguk and Tae, and no one even bothers to check up on him. Except for Namjoon. But now he's backing away too.

Yoongi blinks when his vision becomes blurry. A few tear drops land on his cheeks. Is this how Hoseok felt? When he got bit, he dealt with this very same burden alone. Yoongi remembers when he broke down and yelled about everyone being distant and leaving him out. They were afraid of him because he was bitten. And now that Hoseok is infected and bit Yoongi, that could be why they've been distant with him too.

Love, bites. - BTS OT7Where stories live. Discover now