Level: 10

96 11 6

Please make sure to re-read the past chapters to keep updated with the storyline.

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I lasted updated 💔

"Road to Safety"

If Hoseok would've known that being human again would be more painful than being a zombie, he wouldn't have wished for it so much. In fact, he probably wouldn't have wished for it at all. Nothing could have prepared him for the pain he is currently feeling. And what makes it worse is that there isn't much that anyone can do to help him.

"I know it sucks but you have to break that fever." Yoongi sighs sadly, watching as Hoseok shivers violently.

Under the supervision of Yoongi, Hoseok was told by his doctor (Daehyun) to sit in a cold bath to lower his temperature. The water from the farm well was already freezing cold, pairing that with the current weather outside made the perfect match for hypothermia. But of course, if the doctor said to do it, he had to do it. Especially to break his fever.

He's been battling the virus all week. From puking up food, running high fevers, and having every symptom from nausea to fatigue to coughing and to migraines, he's exhausted. His body rejected many foods, only being able to hold a bit of liquid and oatmeal. Ever since he coughed up that large, disturbing parasite, he's felt worse than what he felt like when he was under its control. In fact, he spent most of his day doped up on pain and fever medicine, which in turn, made him sleep through most days.

Currently, he's been running a fever for the last few hours. His face was practically flushed red and his body grew sticky and sweaty. He was honestly feeling decent before he even knew he had a fever. He had slept from last night until midday today. But Jiwoo noticed the amount of sweat that soaked his blanket and consulted Daehyun who then sentenced him to the cold bath. He hasn't even eaten yet and he's freezing his balls off.

He sits in a large metal tub. It's what Mr. Hwan usually uses to give water to the cows. It's been cleaned and filled with well water and with help from Jeongguk and Yoongi, Hoseok was able to get in. It's only been about 20 minutes but it feels like eternity. But at least he can focus on the cold rather than his raging migraine.

He grunts in annoyance. If he could cuss Yoongi out, he would. He's sure he's broken the fever already, but the older male keeps insisting on more time. "Just five more minutes" he'll say. And all he can do is groan.

Throughout his time being back, he wasn't able to talk to anyone much. He still struggles greatly with communication, and being sick and constantly asleep doesn't help. He needs assistance to walk because he can't really walk well on his own. Daehyun says it may take a long time to recover. The parasite did a good job at attacking his motor system. But he misses them all greatly.

The thing he missed the most was physical touch. Hoseok is a physical being. A physical lover. And with everyone seeing that he is back, or at least he hasn't turned since he became sentient again, he's been showered with nothing but love and affection. Even now as he sits in the bath, Yoongi since in a chair beside the tub, holding his hand.

"It'll be over soon." Yoongi says when he feels Hoseok clench his hand tightly.

"C-cold..." Hoseok mutters.

Yoongi sighs and digs into his hoodie pocket. He pulls out a thermometer and extends it in front of the sick boy. Hoseok rolls his eyes and it makes him smile.

Yoongi takes his temperature and once he sees that it's went down considerably, he grabs the blanket off his lap and stands.

"Let's get you warmed up."

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