Level: 8

446 41 52

tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts/actions towards the end. This is almost 5k words!

"I've seen this before," Yoongi says, carefully lifting Jimin's head so that he can slide a pillow underneath it.

"Remember when I was the one injured and you were the one looking after me? Funny how the roles are reversed now." He chuckles but its devoid of humor.

They're in a cabin. One just nearly hidden behind the endless walls of corn. Mr. Hwan has a large house that's walking distance from the cabin, but enforced a rule that if the group of travelers wanted shelter for the night, they'd have to stay in the cabin. It isn't completely horrible, however. It's made of brick on the outside, insulated, and then wooden paneling on the inside walls. There's only one bedroom, a small living room connected to the kitchen, which is actually just a furnace and a mini fridge, and a closet sized bathroom that only had a toilet and a bucket to wash hands in. Mr. Hwan stated that his father built the cabin himself decades ago, and it definitely looks like it. There were two Japanese styled futons, a dusty arm chair, and thick cotton blankets to sleep on. To them, it was a luxury. They haven't laid on anything but the ground or uncomfortable car seats in weeks.

Jimin occupies one of the futons. His eyes are closed and breathing even. He's napping and while he does so, Yoongi tends to him.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be, y'know. You're stealing my job," Yoongi grumbles to himself, pulling a blanket over the pink haired male.

"I'm the one who's supposed to be injured and you're the one who's supposed to care for me. I don't like this new dynamic."

Yoongi drops his small, playful smile and sighs heavily. He carefully tucks Jimin in under the blanket. Then, he packs up the medical supplies he had out. On the wooden floor next to the first aid kit was some dirty gauze that was used earlier to clean Jimin's wound. It was mostly soiled with his blood. Yoongi can only see the color red on the cotton fabric.

"Y'know I love you, right?" He says quietly, picking up the dirty gauze. He stares down at it in his hands, feeling his mouth starting to salivate at the sight of the blood. It's an instantaneous reaction that bothers him greatly.

"I hope you know that." He mutters before standing up, placing the gauze in his pocket and exiting the small room.

The tiny hall leads him to the living space where the others are all cramped up. Jeongguk and Seokjin share a blanket on the floor while Jiwoo curls up in the arm chair. Namjoon takes up most of the space on the other futon, with Taehyung's head resting on it while the rest of his body is spread across the floor. And Hoseok...he's outside. There's a barn where Mr. Hwan keeps his chickens. Hoseok was bound by his waist instead of his hands and feet, and was tied to a post in the barn. He had a bit of space to walk and lie down. He doesn't have to sleep sitting up anymore like he's been doing these past weeks.

"He's still asleep?" Seokjin asks him quietly.

Yoongi nods, "all the running must have tired him out."

Seokjin's sighs and stares up at the ceiling. The cabin is cold. He shivers a bit. "I'm scared for us." He admits with his voice just under a whisper.

Yoongi looks down at his socked feet. There are holes in them and they're tatered and dirty. But it's culture for them to take their shoes off in a space of living. "I'm scared, too." He whispers back.

Most of them are either injured or recovering from injuries. There's no way they can continue on the road, especially not without gas. The possibility of there being more mutants out there is terrifying. The possibility of losing one of the members to a creature like that is even more terrifying.

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