Fragile Flower (Male! Maleficent x Reader)

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Your Pov:

I  walked through the Moors, smiling as the small fairies flew around.  Various other creatures dotted the landscape here and there, minding  their own business. My mother was part faerie and so I was allowed into  the Moors. I stopped at a pond, admiring my dress in the reflection.

 I stopped at a pond, admiring my dress in the reflection

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It was handmade by my mother for my 18th birthday. Sadly, she passed  before then. As I turned to walk on, my dress got caught on a branch. As  I bent down to free my skirt, someone else did it first. I looked up  and that's when I spotted him. In the shadows stood the king of the  Moors, Maleficent himself. I bowed my head in respect, "Thank you."

He  spoke, his voice sending shivers down my spine, "What business do you  have here?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I mean no harm. My  mother was part faerie and told me how to enter the Moors before she  passed. I only wish to know the world my mother knew." He examined me,  "Was your mother (M/n)?" I nodded, "Yes. She told me of you." He nodded,  "I see. Only (M/n) would be able to Grace the Moors with such beauty." I  blushed brightly.

"Thank you, your majesty." He shook his head, "Call me Maleficent, beauty. Come, walk with me."

After  that, we walked for hours just talking and getting to know each other.  When it got dark, I left for home, thoughts of Maleficent filling my  mind.

For days, weeks, and months after that, I spent my days in  the Moors with Maleficent. We grew close. I began to feel something more  for the faerie. It was then that I knew that I loved him. But I was  afraid to admit it. The last person I fell in love with left me after  finding someone better. One day when I arrived to the Moors Maleficent  was no where to be found.

I decided to walk to our favorite pond and sit down. I let my hand linger in the water as I hummed a familiar melody to myself.

"When  somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. Every hour we spent  together lives within my heart. And when he was sad, I was there to dry  his tears. And when he was happy, so was I. When he loved me..."

It  was right after my mother's passing that I met Phillip. He had stopped  in the woods near my cottage to look for water. He was a prince. As the  days passed, I fell in love with him. He seemed to do the same, but then  he asked about my family. I told him of my mother being part faerie and  he left me.

"Through the summer and the fall, we had  each other, that was all. Just he and I together, like it was meant to  be. And when he was lonely, I was there to comfort him. And I knew that  he loved me. So the years went by, I stayed the same. But he began to  drift away. I was left alone. Still I waited for the day, when he'd say  "I will always love you"."

Before I told him, it was  like we were meant to be together. Everything was perfect. We were  always there for each other. Then, after I told him, he left me. He  never came back to see me. I'd spot him in the forest, but he never  spoke to me. Then, I met Maleficent in the Moors.

"Lonely  and forgotten. Never thought he'd look my way. And he smiled at me and  held me, just like he used to do. Like he loved me, when he loved  me. When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. Every hour we  spent together lives within my heart. When he loved me..."

Maleficent's reflection appeared in the water next to me, "What troubles you,  beauty?" I stood up, dusting my skirt off, "Nothing. I was just thinking  of the past." He gently held my hand, "Well, come with me. I have  something I wish to tell you." I followed him to his throne, made of the  thickest and strongest trees. I spoke, "What did you want to tell me?"  He looked at me, bright green meeting (e/c), "I love you. I thought it  was never possible for a being such as I to love another, but it is." I  smiled, "I love you as well. I had been processing my feelings for a  while now."

He brought a small, wooden box out, "I have one more thing to ask of you." He opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring.

" He opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring

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"Marry me. I love you too much to see you in the arms of another." I smiled,  "Of all the crazy, foolish, stubborn men...Yes, I will marry you."

And then, a few days later, we had a beautiful wedding. Everyone in the  Moors attended and everything was at peace. We sat by the pond, enjoying  each other's presence. I spoke.

"I love you."

"And I you, beauty."

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