A Life For A Life (Peter Pan x Reader)

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A Life For A Life (Peter Pan x Reader)

A/N: This is kind of OUAT Peter Pan and not really the Disney version, but I was inspired.

Your Pov:

Life on the island was never boring. I spent my days with the lost boys, sparring, training, and playing to my heart's content. However, I was also a mother of sorts to the lost boys. I would bandage their wounds, tell them stories, and sing them to sleep. The only one I could never figure out was Pan.

He often pushed the boys to get stronger and faster without breaks or even time to get water. This caused some of them to faint from exhaustion, but once Pan saw my annoyed expression, he would call off training for the day. Even as a couple, there were still times where even I couldn't get through to him.

One of those times was right after we got together.


I sat in camp, cooking dinner for the boys and Peter. They were all out on guard duty with Peter supervising the newbies. Felix and Devin sat at the edge of camp to keep watch.

I turned away from the pot of stew to grab some vegetables when a crashing sound came from the trees. Felix and Devin peered into the treeline before rearing back and letting out their loudest birdcalls to alert the others. They ran to my side, watching the trees. I pulled the dagger from my belt and scanned the trees.

Out from the shadows came Hook and a few of his crew. He grinned. "Looks like Pan's left you three behind." I frowned. "You're wrong, pirate. But we don't need his help to fight you." From your left, Devin had picked up a bow and arrow, shooting a dreamshade tipped arrow into the closest pirate's shoulder. This sparked an all out brawl.

Felix and Devin rushed in head first, but I waited. I pressed the blade of the dagger against the hot pot, waiting for the metal to get hot. Hook was approaching quickly. I quickly felt the blade and pulled back from the heat.

I turned, swiping the blade across Hook's face, cutting him across the cheek. He reeled back, a hand on his face. The heat caused the cut to go deeper and cause more pain.

Just then, I heard Felix shout in my direction. I turned to see an arrow coated in dreamshade coming right at me. It was too close for me to dodge and as I closed my eyes, I heard Hook's laughter. I waited for the impact, but I felt nothing.

I opened my eyes to see Peter in front of me, the arrow gripped in his hand. In an instant, the pirate who shot it was on the ground, unmoving. The arrow in Peter's hand turned to ash

He turned to Hook. "Leave. Now. Unless you want to face the same fate!" The pirates were quick to scramble out of the camp as the rest of the lost boys entered the area. Once they were gone, Peter turned to the boys. "Pack up everything. We're moving the camp." With that, he pulled me away from the group and into his tent. "Are you alright?" I nodded. "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

He kissed my forehead, mumbling under his breath. "A life for a life..."


We moved camp after that and set up an alarm system to catch any strangers on the island.

Today, everyone was preparing for a battle with the pirates. They came onto the island and set fire to the trees in a retaliation attempt. I made sure I had my dagger sharpened and ready on my belt. Along with that, I had a bow and quiver of arrows on my back. I turned to the lost boys as we waited for Peter.

"Remember, we all have each other's backs. We'll teach these pirates a lesson they won't forget!"

Peter stepped out from his tent. "Everyone, head out. Straight to Hook's ship, where we attack without mercy!" The boys cheered and hollered as they rushed through the trees. I waited for him to catch up with me. "Are you alright?" He looked at me. "I'm fine. Just...be careful. They're bound to pull some dirty tricks." I smiled. "I will, but I know we'll win. After all, Peter Pan never fails." We shared a kiss before going to find the boys.


The fight was fierce and bloody. Several of the lost boys had been injured, but we were still winning. Peter was dealing with Hook, taunting the pirate like the teenager he was. I was back to back with Felix as we fought off the rest of the crew.

As I took out my opponent, I looked towards the front of the ship. Peter was distracted and Hook had raised his hook in the air, a devilish grin on his face. "Peter Pan never fails? How laughable." He swung the hook forward and I did something.

Something so stupid, yet so full of love.

I dropped my dagger and ran to where the two were fighting. I jumped in front of the sharp hook, not even screaming as it pierced my rib cage. Hook laughed as he pulled his hook out, breaking some of my ribs as he did so. I fell onto the deck, blood pooling around me. Peter quickly turned to the boys.


The boys did as they were told and I felt Peter pick me up and take me back to camp. I was still losing blood steadily as he laid me in my tent. I could hear the younger boys crying in concern as the older boys tried to comfort them.

Peter kneeled next to me. "You're going to be alright. Just don't close your eyes." My vision was going in and out of focus and it was so hard to breath. I felt his hands on my wound and I knew.

He was going to use his magic.

I swatted his hands away. "D-Don't, Peter." He frowned. "(Y/n), I have to-" I shook my head. "I-It's alright. A life for a life, remember? My debt is repaid." You could feel his hands shaking as he grabbed your own. "The lost boys need you. They need their mother. And...And I need you, so please, let me heal you." I smiled.

"T-The great, undefeatable Peter Pan saying 'please'? I never thought I'd see the day."

He spoke. "(Y/n)..."

I looked at him. "F-Fine, but if I-I don't make it, let the lost boys know that I love t-them." Peter nodded. "I will." With that, my eyes closed as the healing magic took over my body. Once it was done, Peter sat in the chair next to the bed.

A few hours later...

Peter exited the tent and the lost boys perked up, their attention on him. Felix looked at him. "How is she?" Peter looked at the group.

"She'll be fine. Do not disturb her."

From inside the tent, I smiled as I heard the lost boys cheer. Knowing them, they'd try their best to not disturb me, but I could use the distraction.

And Peter...Even after all of that...

I'd do it all over again if it meant saving him.

You do crazy things for the people you love, after all.

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