A vision and NEW Orleans

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jodha pov:

I got up when I felt wet kisses on my neck to see nik is kissing I just smiled at him and when he saw me

"good morning my queen "

"good morning my king"

I felt sore which showed discomfort in my face seeing this nik said

"do you feel pain"

I shake my head saying "no nik I loved it very much and I feel full now "

"I do my pup me too"

I blushed at the word pup seeing this he smirk and caused his hand on my inner thigh which caused me to shiver I saw his eyes filled with lust, love, and possessiveness, and said in a husky voice

"you like being called pup ha?"

I whimpered saying "yes alpha"

he just growled and kissed me roughly which I moaned into it  which caused him to tighten his grip on my hip

while we are in the world of pleasure I was dragged into a vision that made me gasp I saw I dragged nik to we are in the vision

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while we are in the world of pleasure I was dragged into a vision that made me gasp I saw I dragged nik to we are in the vision

there are these people ladies who look like they are doing something like preparing them for a ritual  and the eight girls are sitting on the ground and we heard the lady says

"to be reborn we must sacrifices"

with that, she took the girl's hand piercing it into some

the girls are repeating the line she said

"to be reborn we must sacrifice"

"to be reborn we must have faith"

"to be reborn we must have faith"

"do you have faith in the harvest"

then we heard a girl who is running to come there

"not for a second"


"what are you doing"

"saving the community you renounced"

"you're all ridiculous Monique seriously"

"my mom told me I had to "yeah well your mom and I gonna have words"

with that, she left and saw a girl who may be 15 years I felt a connection with her I turn to see nik is looking at her in wonder

I asked "did you feel it too"

"yeah it felt like "

"We have a bonded with her like a parent and child"

he looked shocked and said "are you 100 % sure"

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