Rescuing Enzo and meeting the soulmates

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jo pov:

I got up morning feeling sad sensing my sadness  nik got up and hugged me asking

"what happned love"

I sniffed saying "I look so fat and ugly"

nik  coeed  " no love you are not fat you are carrying our child and you are the most beautiful mate the world ever had so don't cry pup"

I just chuckled and blushed at the name and said

"yes alpha "

he just growled and kissed me sweetly and said

"Now go and do your bath I will select your outfit"


with that I went and my bath and came into the room to see the outfit was on the bed, I wore it and I had my hairstyle into a bun

with that I went and my bath and came into the room to see the outfit was on the bed, I wore it and I had my hairstyle into a bun

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I went to Davina's room to see she was busy getting ready with a nervous expression

I went to Davina's room to see she was busy getting ready with a nervous expression

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I said with tears in my eyes " you look so beautiful, baby"

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I said with tears in my eyes " you look so beautiful, baby"

davina turned around with a squeal saying "oh my god mom you scared me"

I just got emotional and started to cry " I am so sorry"

davina's eyes went wide just went and hugged me saying

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