The death of Inadu

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It's been 5  years since the wedding of the supernatural king and queen and the birth of princess Hope. now all the jodha sibling soul and blood are married and her friends are married too with all the children growing up with them happily.

Jodha and her family have been searching for inadu's bones to kill her it all started with the vision jodha got


all the family is dancing with the children in the home and then all hear jodha gasp as niklaus holds her hand they both are transported into the vision.

-vision begins-

It begin a thousand years before the city was founded two rival tribes decided to combine their power they felt that by uniting in peace it would enter a new age of harmony a marriage was arranged two powerful witches joined together to create a unified coven.

jodha said "ceremonial weddings like Hayley's and Jackson's"

niklaus nods at that.

that marriage bore a child for nine months the tribe elders visited the mother using magic to grant the child great power in hopes that the newborn becomes the symbol of prosperity 

they both saw the birth of the child

the tribal has no idea what they are bringing into the world she is inadu she was stronger than anyone could imagine.

jodha and niklaus saw who plants wilt and animals scare in her presence

that she had a terrible hunger for more power and that's how the hollow is born

jodha saw a symbol on inadu shoulder and said

"nik she has the same symbol as our family and Hayley the crescent moon"

niklaus eyes widen at the conclusion " of inadu is same bloodline the crescent wolf same as our family and Hayley's includes the kids"

jodha felt terror pass through her body,

her able became too great bear  the tribes united to defeat her

both of them saw how easily she killed the people

tribe elders managed to capture her using your mystical binding but even with all that power  inadu was too strong death is the only solution.

four of the strongest elders  each impute a part of their magic  onto a mighty act when the weapon was ready they relied on her mother the one who gave her life to be the one to take her life before she could kill her child inadu cast the last spell

"ashi nashu gana sare"

one powered by her own death curse fall up all the people that present that night she bound them to the full moon so that once a month they return is  the very beast that used to hunt her

jodha and niklaus saw how they turn into werewolves

jodha said in realization " the hallow created the werewolf curse"

- vision ended-

all the family members are scared when they saw them twitch when they are a vision when they both came out they told all about the vision.

niklaus said understanding the situation " only her bloodline can kill her which means "

 jodha "me Hayley and the kids "

Stefan said " I have an idea do you guys have any bones of her"

jodha said " after burning her body there are only 5 bones left which are given to the tribal leaders to protect it from her why"

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