Big pouty baby!

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Taehyung- what happened hmm

Y/n is looking at him with unreadable expression and here our taehyung is looking at her , well he is reading her face expression like he is reading his favorite book they both were lost in eachother and jimin and rosy is looking at them while smiling, rosy look at jimin and held his hand and put her head on his shoulder jimin smiled

Taehyung saw y/n's eyes filled with tears he was worried but she is not saying anything which is making him more worried

Y/n's tears were just gonna come and that's when y/n hugged taehyung tightly she was crying  and taehyung hugged her tightly yet gently looking at her ,worried for her

Taehyung- what happened baby hmm

Y/n - *still crying *

Taehyung- baby look at me *held her chin lightly and made her look at him*

They were two close it's an blessing seen to view and that's what jimin is feeling he was worried too like why she is crying well he thought maybe she missed him so he didn't interuppt and kept on looking at them

Taehyung- what happened hmm tell me why crying like this *wipping her tears with his big hands*

Y/n- *sniffing* i-i m-is-s yo-u

Taehyung-*smiled softly and pecked her nose and hugged her well he know that she missed him as much as he missed her but he also know that there is another reason for her this crying and she is hiding it *

Y/n- w-hy didn't y-ou came hn, yo-u kn-ow rig-ht it's too ha-rd to li-ve wi-thout yo-u b-ut st-ill y-ou alway-s d-o this to me , wh-y y-ou tes-t my lo-ve th-is much hn *choked on her tears *

Taehyung- shhh shh first calm down hmm i missed you too my baby and iam not testing your love , i know you love me baby and there is no doubt , don't be sad hmm you know it hurts me right, now stop crying like a little baby otherwise *wiping her tears* our jiminshi will think that you are a crying baby *bope her nose * and i know you don't want that right hmm

Y/n - *giggled *iam not cry baby *pout* iam your strong baby taetae

Taehyung-yes mah strong baby *kissed her forehead *

Jimin's pov -

I know she loves you so much tae and now iam fully sure about it, i can tell it the way she talk to you and the way she is telling you everything she is thinking and her tears aishh i just wish you will not let her suffer more taehyung, she is really a precious soul so just took care of her *smiled*

Jimin- yes y/n you are not a cry baby , well you are really cute *cooed at her cuteness*

Taehyung-*chuckled*well she is a big pouty baby

Y/n- *got red due to shyness * yahh iam not pouty baby *pout*

Taehyung- look as i said

Jimin and taehyung chuckled....

See you in next part.......

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