part 30

399 14 5

Yn is again playing with her baby in the garden  , she again sensed some one around her and she looked  around and she saw someone near the tree and she went there and she was ready to shout but then she saw the face of the person who was standing behind the tree

Yn- ohh robert oppa you here

Robert- yes yn , don't worry iam here for your safety, you can freely enjoy your time hm leave everything to your oppa *smiles*

Yn- okay thankyou oppa and here *went near the bench and bring juice with her* drink this juice you will feel fresh oppa *gives him juice*

Robert- aye thankyou so much yn

Yn- *smiles and went to play again* yahh don't run baby you will falll

Yn was giggling while trying to catch him and when she catched him she lift him in her arms while scolding him jokingly and he was also barking lowly while looking at her and they both were enjoying there quality time

After playing yn went to take shower and while showering she was thinking about the past incidents which happened right when she got that card

Yn- no wonder why everyone was behind me and trying to snatch the card from me, taetae also said it's really important for them, but what does that card contains that everyone is fighting for it, people now a days don't know  how sharing is good but no the evil one want to destroy the world and the good one's try to save the world, but world get together and made them look bad, im so fed up with this world *pouts* but my tae is so good, he is the best ahhh im missing him now why did i think about him now iam craving for himmmmm, yn wait for a while till then focus on your shower yess what a good shower , pretty pretty shower ahhh it's not working taetae i want youuuu *pouting while showering* when will you come im missing you

Taehyung wrapped his arms around her naked body and  hugged her from back making her bare back touching his bare chest, yn got relaxed when she felt his touch

Taehyung - my baby missing me this much hm

Yn- yes taetae *turned around and hugged him tightly*

Taehyung- i can see my baby is missing me so much that she even forget to get shy that now she is hugging me naked

Yn realized and immediately blushed hard while hiding face in his chest, taehyung chuckles  looking at his shy baby getting back

Taehyung hold her hips while kissing her neck and Lightly squeezing her hips making her moan and gasp together, she hold his shoulder while still taking support of him, keeping her face on his chest, she is moaning while her eyes are closed

Yn- umm taeee

Taehyung busy in kissing her and Squeezing her hummed at her moan and giving her hickey

Yn- ahh it feels so good umm *closing her eyes she moaned near his ear *

Extremely late update but looks like you guys didn't missed it though, it's alright do comment and vote love you all 💜💜
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