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They finally reached there and y/n and her doctors team started checking everyone they all are in really bad state that's good that doctors came on time and they got saved

And here look at taehyung being a jealous tiger why? Well cause his baby is checking all the guys and they are just looking at her in awe cause she is really cute , well if taehyung wants he can slice there eyes for looking at her, but he knows that no one can resist there eyes when his baby is standing in front someone well taehyung know his mans are not those creepy guys, they are just adoring her that's it but still our taehyung is jealous cause the time his baby came here she didn't even looked at him once and that's what making him jealous

At night

Y/n- well now everyone is safe , they just need some rest, few of them are badly injured so for tonight they have to stay under observation

Namjoon- okay thankyou so much doctor y/n *handshaked*

Y/n- that's our pleasure sir

Here namjoon and other bts members and their girlfriends are dicussing about conditions of there members with y/n as she is head of the team

Taehyung enters, no one notice him as they are focussed on listening to y/n until taehyung came toward y/n and snaked his hand to y/n's waist and smelled her hairs while closing his eyes and backhugged her fully , and here our y/n's eyes widened and her cheeks turned red
And soon she closed her eyes while leaned on his chest , her legs go weakened at his touch, taehyung held her tightly yet gently making sure she won't fall, everyone is looking at them it's something new for all of them as the one who is doing this is taehyung the cold mafia who don't know the words love, gentleness, care, but look here he is showing his different side to the girl standing infront of them, they both were immersed in there own world it's so beautiful to see,

Taehyung- how dare you didn't give me your attention ( whispers in her ear with deep voice)

Y/n-*breathed heavily* I-i was bu-sy

Taehyung- so *bite her earlobe*

Y/n- *little sound leave from her mouth* i-i

Taehyung- In my room within 2 minutes babygurl hmm

Y/n- *nodded*

Taehyung- i need words babygurl

Y/n- ye-s i wi-ll *still stuttering due to shyness and his deep voice*

Taehyung- good iam waiting in my room

Y/n- hmm *still closed eyes*

Taehyung looked at her from side as he is behind her and turned her still holding her waist a little gasps leave due to the sudden action she hold his shirt still closing her eyes, taehyung smiled  and kissed her forehead and stay there while closing his eyes like they both are feeling eachother after some time taehyung pulled away and y/n opened her eyes they were kinda communicating with there eyes like taehyung is telling her she have 2 minutes and the time starts now and y/n indicate him through her eyes

After that taehyung went out , everyone is watching the scene like a kdrama fangirl /boy

See you in 2 minutes haha in next part💕

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