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After they eat, taehyung took y/n in there bedroom as she is still in pain and not in mood to talk to anyone as i already said she becomes different when she got periods

But taehyung had to come as they have to go check on the team for the mission so taehyung and whole bts members went for that

But maybe it's a wrong descision to leave girls alone some of rivals of bangtan enters the mansion in absence of bangtan well they pretend to be one if guards and they entered and hostage everyone, they tied all the gurls and now they are waiting for bts to come

Bts pov-

After checking the team we were entering the mansion but there we saw no guards standing

Taehyung- where the fuck they all go *angered as he can't compromise*

Jimin- first let's go we should check inside

Jungkook - yeah

Everyone enter inside  and there they saw that all girls are tied and guards  are faint , every bangtan boy felt a pang on their heart looking at there loved one being hostage and their jimin saw rosy 's lips have a cut after seeing that jimin's eyes got widened in anger, rosy was looking at him assuring that she is fine

All girls are there except y/n and that's when taehyung saw that someone is bringing her downstair while pointing his gun at her and her hands were in surrender position but her face was all in anger looking like his demon queen this was the first time her expressions are like this, bangtan boys are feeling a rage inside them as they are inside their mansion pointing there gun at there loved once and they are still alive

Taehyung- Did a big mistake *dark deep voice*

Jin- leave them before we make you do it
*deeply *

Rival - na na bangtan don't your dare to move we will kill them * the one who is pointing his gun at y/n*

Taehyung looked at y/n worried a bit as this all is new for her but when he looked at her, he saw that she is looking at taehyung and taehyung saw that she is not scared she indicate him that she trust him and she knows she is safe as long as he us here

But one thing for sure this guy waked y/n from her sleep and still make her stand here and plus point she is in her period so it's all making her hell angry she want to rip his hair

Rival- just give up bangtan otherwise *held y/n hair tightly*  we will kill them

rival- yeah look at her * caressing rosy's cheeks*

Jimin- keep your hands away i will rip your soul if something happened to her or them *anger *

Taehyung is silently looking at y/n , even though it's paining her she is silently standing , taehyung is burning in anger because infront of his eyes her baby is in pain..........

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